5. Seeking Validation

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I rolled over as I felt sunlight beam on my face. "Get up" I heard Quincy's voice. I raised up and brought my knees to my chest. I watched him move around the room changing into a sweatsuit.

"Your stuff is in the bathroom as always I'll be downstairs making breakfast." He walked out not even glancing at me. I rolled off bed and went into his bathroom brushing my teeth then taking a quick shower.

I contemplated just sneaking pass the kitchen and leaving. But I know Quincy and he would come to my house looking for me. It was best to just get this over with now. I walked slowly down the stairs in my shirt from yesterday and one of his shorts.

I sat on a stool watching Q plate the food he made. He turned the stove off before turning and putting the plates in front of me. We sat in silence as we began eating my favorite pancakes and bacon. "Jules" he finally spoke.

"You know we have to talk about last night right" he said

I stuffed some pancake in my mouth and didn't reply. "Julie I don't want things to be weird"

"So things are weird" I said getting anxious

"A little but if we talk it wouldn't have to be"

I sighed before I said "are you upset with me"

"No, but I was a little overwhelmed. What was going through your head last night."

I turned away feeling embarrassed and scared thinking about my thoughts last night. Quincy turned my seat before pulling it closer to him. He lifted my head seeing the tears coming down.

"Babygirl what's going on" he asked hugging me

"I'm sorry" I cried

"I know baby just calm down and let's talk about it"

I wiped my tears taking deep breaths as my therapist said. "I'm sorry Q I just wanted you to like me"

"I like you regardless Jules" he whispered but I heard him

"I know guys just want sex with me so I thought I'd make it easy for you. I wanted to do anything for you." I looked down feeling dumb

"Julie I want you for who you are not your body"

"Your just saying that! That's what they all want it's what he wanted" I started panicking as I backed away from him. I felt like I couldn't breathe and everything was closing in on me. I wasn't even conscious enough to realize I was picked up.


I started seeing the tears coming back and Julie started hyperventilating. I quickly got off the stool and picked her up. I'm very familiar with her panic attacks.

"It's ok Julie I understand we don't have to talk about that." I held her tight

Julie's childhood was rough and she told me all about it before. I wouldn't want her to talk about it and relive that time again. A family member of hers took advantage of her in her early years of middle school. Her parents were in the dark about it all due to other family members not speaking up.

Let's just say when her parents found out someone nearly died that day. And that family member got what he deserved. Julie was so young and fragile it broke my heart. She told me I was the only one who knew besides those involved.

Leaving the kitchen how it was I walked upstairs still holding her to my room. I tried to lay her down but she wouldn't let go. We laid there with her body clung on top of me.

"Julie it's gonna be okay. I got you."

She calmed down a little wiping her face. I moved her hair out her face to look at her.

"You know I love you right. Not friendship love real love."

She sat up and looked at me before laying back down. "Okay" she said

"I'm not like those other people Jules I won't hurt you. I couldn't even hurt you ever."

"I know, I love you too"

"Is that friendship love or real love? Because if it's friendship love I'm okay with that."

She laughed wiping her tears again "real love"

I didn't know what to say so we just sat in silence. It was good silence though and it felt amazing knowing the feelings were mutual. The silence was then broken by Julie's phone ringing. She picked it up before putting it to her ear.

After she hung up she wrapped her arms around me tightly. "My moms coming to get me but I don't want to go"

"I wanna stay here with you" she said

"We'll see each other tomorrow and there's still FaceTime"

She pouted before asking, "where are we at in our relationship now?"

"I want to be with you Jules"

"I want that to"

"Then it's settled, your mine now" I said kissing her cheek

A few minutes passed of us just laying in each others arms before her phone rang again. She got off of me before taking off my shorts to change into her jeans.

"Julieeeee your just gonna strip in front of me like that"

"It's nothing you haven't seen already" she said with a smirk

I shook my head as I watched her get dress. She went into the bathroom before coming out and sitting on my lap. We stared at each other as I seen the sadness in her eyes.

"Hey it's gonna be okay. I'll call you later okay"

She nodded before leaning in and giving me a quick kiss. We heard a honk and just like that Julie was gone. I really hope she's gonna be okay.

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