Mountain Climbing

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Kris and Susie are mountain climbing, but they are both afraid of heights. Susie is shaking and has her arms wrapped around herself. Kris has their arms crossed over her chest and is glaring at the other side of the mountain.

"We can make it. It's really not that high." Kris says, trying to give Susie the confidence she needs.

"I-I'm not sure I can do this." Susie replies, her voice shaking.

"You can. I'll be right here. We'll do it together." Kris says, hugging Susie.

Susie nods and starts to walk up the mountain. She pauses for a moment, but Kris gives her a quick reassuring smile and she keeps going.

"Almost there." Kris says, before Susie reaches the top.

Susie reaches her hand out and grabs onto the top of the mountain. She lets out a sigh and then looks back to Kris.

"You did it. You're amazing." Kris says, giving her a hug.

"Thank you." Susie replies, hugging Kris back.

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