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15 years ago the Kingdom was taken over by a Tyrant king, the Royal family before him were supposedly dead but what really happened was a secrete known to only one person, Casimir Amos the warlock and weapons master of the kingdom, he gave the royal family 3 necklaces to hide their well known features the silver white hair and the red eyes of a loving heart, the royal family had been known for being loving, kind and caring towards all people but the king and queen were feared on the battlefield they would show no mercy on the battlefield but show much respect and sympathy for those they had slain, they're daughter was to be the same though at the time she had only been 2 months old.
The Tyrant king Hayden Fox, was once a ruthless lord who showed no empathy, no respect and no kindness, he was sly, ruthless and his ego was way to big, he had many soldiers that just like him with them he had taken over the Kingdom of Amare.
The wife of Hayden Fox did not like her husband, it had been an arranged marriage that had brought them together her parent's being poor it was their only choice and they had felt guilty for forcing their daughter to marry a complete stranger, they had always believed in marrying out of love but had been forced out of being hungry nearly everyday and very little money, their daughter understood and agreed to the marriage, her name was Alive Stallard.

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