Chapter 1

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Amber was practicing her hand to hand combat with her master Casimir Amos, he had taught her many skills Archery, Sword play, how to use a dagger, hand to hand combat, how to sew, how to cook, how to make weapons, how to make a fire and how to find food in the wild where there were no towns or kingdoms nearby. Casmir Amos used to be the kingdoms Warlock/weapons master which meant he knew how to use nearly all weapons Amber could think of he also knew spells and had taught Amber most of the spells in the kingdom, when the new king had claimed the thrown he had kicked out her master in favour of his own men.
Amber hurried home after her lesson with her master just making it back before curfew, Mother, Father I'm back! Called Amber as she closed the door behind her, alright dear your dinners keeping warm near the fire! Called her mother, thanks Amber called back happily, her father was probably asleep after a long day at work and her mother was probably in the kitchen cleaning up.
Amber quickly went over to the fireplace where her food was resting on the stone step right in-front of the fire, she quickly ate her meal and washed it up since her mother had finished cleaning up a few minutes before she finished.
After she had a shower she got changed into her pyjama's and headed to bed falling asleep quickly as she had worn herself out during training tomorrow she would be saw all over again.
Amber woke up the next day in agony, she had been right she would be really sore the next day but one of the things everyone liked about her was that she could push through everything. Everyone knew Amber she was always helping around the once glorious kingdom before it's present dark age under the new king Hayden Fox everyone missed the old Royal family, the royal family had been known for their looks and how they treated everyone with respect and kindness, all the royal family had silvery white hair and red eyes like those of a loving heart as well as their soft feature for the females and strong/kind features for the male's.
The new king treated his subjects as slaves all ways paying them little, which meant that people lived in rundown houses had worn out clothes and shoes, Ambers family was luck because her mother knew how to make clothes and often she would make clothes for other family's for free as long as they had the fabric to make the clothes which they would save up for, most of Ambers clothes were homemade though she had a few that were bought off traders, her armour was like this to her father knew the ways of a blacksmith and could make pretty good armour that was made well and protected her well enough, she also had a cloak that looked brown from faraway but up close was a mixture of natural colours like greens and browns she also had another just like it that mas a mixture of wintery colours, this came in handy with her training with her master because overtime with the cloaks she had learned to make herself "disappear" when really she had just blended in to her background and erased her presence.
Today there was supposed to be a surprise for her since she had officially finished her training with her master, since she had mastered all the weapons she had been taught as well as the main weapons Rangers used which were a Saxe knife, a throwing knife and of course a long bow, hers had been updated to a full-length long bow which was harder to use then the apprentice rangers' long bows.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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