A Date To Remember

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*Throws this chapter out* Eat my children \(0-0\)


Kirishima fidgeted nervously. He didn't know how he managed to muster up the courage to ask Bakugou on a date, but he did. And now, he was paying the price for it. Looking over to the park near the cafe he was at, Kirishima caught sight of Sero, Kaminari and Mina, all wearing poorly made disguises which consisted of black hoodies and sunglasses. Both Mina and Kaminari donned black caps. They all looked at him and gave him thumbs-ups. Kirishima felt extremely doubtful of them, but nonetheless gave them a shy smile.

"Kiri-san!!" He heard Haruno call out and when he turned, he saw Haruno drag a very shy-looking Bakugou.

"Oh, Haruno! I didn't think you'd be tagging along." Kirishima said, blinking in surprise.

"Pfft, nah, I ain't gonna stick for long, Kiri-san. I just came to drag Baku-san to you." Haruno scoffed playfully, punching Bakugou in the shoulder who gave the female an irritated glare, "Me and Deku agreed to meet up today, someone else surprisingly got asked out on a date today."

"Welp, now he's all yours! Bye, Baku-san!" Haruno cheered happily, shoving the blonde into the red-head's arms and sprinted off before Bakugou could chase after her.

"Elf-Ears, we're not finished!" Bakugou angrily yelled out to the female, although she had already disappeared when she turned the corner.

He cursed under his breath, until he slowly realized he was still clinging onto Kirishima. Bakugou quickly got off of Kirishima and his cheeks flared up in the process of it.

"She seems like a handful." Kirishima amusingly laughs, but feels his chest tighten with nerves and worry.

Bakugou only scoffs in reply, "Try living next to her for 4 years, at least you'll find the fucking common sense to know how to use earplugs."

"Snappy, are we?" Kirishima only teases in response, jokingly poking at the shorter's cheeks.

"Fucking stop or I'll eat half of your finger." Bakugou warningly growls at the other.

"Sure." Kirishima laughs.

"Shall we get going?" The red-head smiles at Bakugou, not so subtly sliding his hand into the others.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Bakugou only rolls his eyes in response, but really can't help the blush that begins to rise and take form. Even with the damn concealer on his face, the blush still shone through like it was nothing.

With a grin from Kirishima and a gentle tug of their entwined hands, they took off, ready to start their date.

If Bakugou were to rate his relationships based on date experience, Kirishima would no doubt dominate the first place over and over again. They had started off strong, going to a cafe first to get something to drink. Kirishima got a chocolate milkshake and Bakugou got an iced coffee ("Didn't know you wanted diabetes, Shitty Hair." Bakugou had remarked).

Kirishima had proceeded to drag Bakugou to the nearest store, which was some sort of store that sold Funko Pops and all that shit. They were more than amused to find a Funko Pop version of themselves.

"I thought they'd make these when we graduated." Kirishima raises an eyebrow, picking up a Midoriya Funko Pop and inspecting it.

"Sounds like you're complaining, these look fucking cool." Bakugou comments and picks up (Unintentionally, Bakugou swears it was unintentional) a Kirishima Funko Pop. It was one in Kiri's hero costume, doing his signature pose.

Kirishima notices this after he had put the Midoriya Funko Pop down next to Todoroki and picks up a Tsuyu one. Kirishima smiles a little at how long Bakugou had been staring at the Funko Pop, inspecting it a little too hard.

"You gonna buy that?" Kirishima smiles, loving how the red colour quickly floods Bakugou's cheeks.

"W-What?! Fucking no!" Bakugou stutters, accidentally fumbling with the Kirishima Funko Pop clumsily.

Kirishima lets out a loving laugh, putting down the Tsuyu Funko Pop and picking a Bakugou one.

"I think this one's my personal favourite." He says with a grin and Bakugou flushes even more.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." The blond murmurs and places the Kirishima Funko Pop into the basket he carried.

With another wide smile, Kirishima slips in the Bakugou Funko Pop. This was a good date already.

With the newly purchased Funko Pops in a plastic bag, Kirishima was dragging Bakugou to yet another spot for their date. Bakugou is just mainly letting Kirishima drag him limply to wherever the red-head desires. God, he'd even drop dead for this man, or was he being too sappy? The yaoi mangas Haruno gave him were sometimes a little too romantic and sappy for his taste. Seriously, just where in the name of fuck does Haruno get her mangas?

"Shitty Hair, where the fuck are we going?" Bakugou groans as his knees wobble a bit from the amount of stairs he's climbing. Honestly, just build in an escalator, that'll get you Bakugou's respect.

Kirishima doesn't reply, which annoys Bakugou to say the least. And at some point, he begins to zone out, taking in the scenery and Kirishima only. Any sounds were blocked and clogged out, leaving a fuzzy feeling in his mind. He'll have to consult his therapist for some medications for this, if there were any.

Anyway, Bakugou's not sure how, but by the time he zones back in, he and Kirishima are climbing up a path on the side of a mountain. He's not 100% sure what the fuck happened, but he still climbs.

"Come on, just a little longer, Baku-Bro!" Kirishima urges, but still smiles.

Bakugou shoots the other a look, "We're literally dating, are you seriously fucking bro-zoning me right now?"

Kirishima laughs at that, the sweet sound filling Bakugou with warmth. They continue to climb, until they eventually reach the top, to which Bakugou groans out with a 'Fucking finally'. Kirishima tugs him over to a spot near the end of the cliff and both sit down, Bakugou's legs stretched out in front of him and Kirishima's folded up to his chest.

They sat in silence, engaging in small talk here and there. At some point, Bakugou doesn't notice, but he's now laying his head on Kirishima's shoulder. Kirishima was both soft and he smelled good.

"We should get back." Kirishima hums lightly.

"And go down those fucking stairs? In your dreams, Shitty Hair." Bakugou scoffs, flopping onto his back. Haruno could scold him all she wanted for getting wet grass stains onto the jacket, but he'd flip her off.

"Then maybe I should sleep and dream." Kirishima laughs.

"Oh, haha." Bakugou monotonely says.

Kirishima doesn't take long to lay on his back as well, quick to snuggle up to Bakugou's side. Then he wistfully closes his eyes for a bit.

"Oi, if you actually fall asleep, Kiri, I'm ditching you, you son of a bitch." Bakugou remarks, poking the other in the cheek. 

Kirishima opens one eye and cheekishly sticks out his tongue at Bakugou, "Aww, you wouldn't be that mean, Baku-Bro."

"Stop fucking bro-zoning me, or I'm breaking up with you." Bakugou scoffs, flicking the other in the forehead..

Kirishima gives a fake and offended gasp, "You wouldn't."

"Oh, but I would." Bakugou gives a smug smirk.

"Alright then, instead of Baku-Bro, how about Baku-Bae? Would that be enough for ya?" Kirishima flashes his toothy smile. The way Bakugou's cheeks redden within seconds is enough to tell Kirishima what the ash-blonde's response was.

"Love ya." Kirishima laughs and sits back up, shuffling so that Bakugou's head was resting in his lap although Bakugou refused to meet the red-head's eyes.

He eventually does look at Kirishima when the red-head leans down to give Bakugou a kiss. And Bakugou leans into it. This was the best date of his life.

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