Elon Musk - The Backstory

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Elon Musk has never been the popular guy in class, and he knows that, but sometimes it's hard to not be like other people. He tries to fit in with the cool guys, but no matter how hard he tries, he just doesn't fit in. 

Sometimes he wishes he was a different person, or that he felt more normal. 😓😓

Maybe it's his obsession with books 📚, or maybe it is the way he wears his hair 👱. Maybe it is his glasses 🕶, but Elon knows that there is something that sets him apart from everyone else. He just can't figure out what it is. 💅💅

A normal day for Elon is getting up, eating breakfast, riding his bike to school, sitting by himself all day at school, coming back home and eating dinner, then going to bed.

But today was different. Today he was moving. 😱


Elon's POV - 

"Elonny ronny, time to go. We are moving to Seattle today!" My mum yelled from my doorway. I picked up my books from the floor and took a look around my now empty room, soaking in my last moments here.

"Goodbye Raquellia, I'm going to miss you. No bedroom will ever compare to you. Don't miss me too much, and take care of your new owners!" I named my room Raquellia because, well, I just felt that she suited that name.

If I'm being honest, I don't want to leave this house. I have made so many memories here and I take such good care of her, I just don't know if I will ever be able to let her go. The new owners certainly won't take as good care as I have. Our house is the nicest in this whole city.

Oh well, I must leave. I can't stay here any longer, it's too emotional. 💧💧

I walk out to the car, silently wiping away the tears running down my cheek. I gently place my books in the back of our private limousine and pull my dog, Queen Elizabeth the 3rd, onto my lap and pat her as I stare out the window to my mansion.

I can't believe I don't live there anymore.

As our chauffeur drives us off into the distance, I can't help but feel that maybe my new life will be better. God, I hope that everyone accepts me in Seattle.

As time passes, I can't help but let my eyes gently close, drifting off into a brilliant sleep.

When I wake up, I stretch my arms out, and turn to look at the GIANT mansion we are pulling up too. 

WHAT THE HELL????!?!?!?!?!?! 😡😡🤬🤬🤬

I knew we would have a big house, but not this big. There is paparazzi out the front, waiting for us to open our doors. It's hard having a famous mum and dad. I just can't handle all the money and the attention, it really isn't my personality. 

It's like I live two different lives. At school, I'm the quiet guy no one wants to talk to. But when I come home, everyone is always asking me about my parents and what it's like being the offspring of Angelina Jolie and Ed Sheeran.

I know, it's kind of amazing how something this good looking can come from that. 🥵🥵

(See photo below for reference)

But I prefer to cover that all up with my baggy clothes and glasses

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But I prefer to cover that all up with my baggy clothes and glasses. No one knows the real me.

I get out the car and walk into my house, not in the mood for my photo being taken. When I get inside, I see just how full out my mum went. She seriously has no issue with money. I get tears in my eyes, wishing I never moved, and run upstairs to the room with my name printed on the door.

I open the door and jump onto the bed, burying my head into the pillows.

"Elonny Ronny, baby, honey, sweetie, sugar pie. Don't cry. What's the matter? We just moved and I made sure you have everything you could ever want." My mum sits on the edge of my bed and rearranges my teddies, making them more comfortable.

"Thanks mum, but I just don't know. It's all just too much. I have everything I could ever want. I can't handle it." I'm just trying to be real. This house is TOO big.

"Oh baby, it's okay. It just means that you are different from the other kids." She sits me up and lays my head over her lap, running her fingers through my hair.

"I like being different." 🤓🤓

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