{Daddy/Child AU!} Boo Daddy!

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"(Name)! Where are you?"

You were currently playing a game of hide-and-seek with your father. You had picked the best hiding spot EVER: hiding in his closet behind his clothes. It was a good thing most of the clothing covered you since you weren't that tall. Makoto was trying to find you, but he was getting worried since it had been 15 minutes since he counted from 10.

"(Name)?! Where are you (Name)?" He yelled worriedly, looking under every table and in every hiding spot you've used before. You weren't there. He was getting worried. What if you ran away and never came back? What if someone kidnapped you? What if you hurt yourself and would never be found?! Makoto panicked. He was thinking up the worst situations possible until he heard a giggle coming from his room. He went into the bedroom and he heard more giggling from his closet. He opened the closet and you jumped into his arms yelling "Boo Daddy!" Makoto had never been more relieved in his life. He hugged you gently and kissed the top of your head. You giggled.

"I love you Daddy!"

"I love you too (Name)."

Tachibana Makoto x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now