Flashback p2 and back to the present

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"You do?! That's amazing! But how do you know they would help us? " Sana said with a smile, knowing that these people could help them hide and thrive.

"They are close friends of mine and Akira, Shirabu Kenjirou, and Semi Eita from Shiratorizawa," answered Toru.

Shiratorizawa? I thought you hated every royal and noble there." Sana said in a confused tone.

"He does; those two are just an exception," said Akira with a shrug.

"Alright, Toru, Iwaizumi and Kindaichi, go and find them," said Sana.

Wait!! Toru is coming with us! " Iwaizumi asked, concerned

Sorry, Kawa, but I agree with Iwaizumi. Your importance to the kingdom. Kindaichi said, agreeing with Iwaizumi.

"You know, they won't help us if I don't come right unless Akira does."' he said with an unimpressed look on his face.

"Oh I am not coming," Akira said with a straight face.

"Ok, ok, let's get ready to leave tonight." Iwaizumi ordered

_- At Shiratorizawa -_

"We are here," Kindaichi declared.

"Hello, Ushiwaka. May we speak with Shirabu and Semi, and then we'll be on our way?"Toru said, not caring about him.

"Are you going to leave tonight?" Ushijima inquired.

Yes, we are fairies. We are able to see at night and get back before daylight if you would just lead us to them." Iwaizumi said.

"I heard our names," they said, as Semi appeared out of nowhere.

"Eita, where did you come from? Teleportation is not your power. " Ushijima asked, suspicious of him.

Semi thought "Fuck that could have ended in my secrect coming out." He answered, "Anyways, what do you need?"

"These fairies have asked to talk to you and Kenjirou," Ushijima asked.

"Alright, then follow me. I'll bring you guys to Shira. We'll talk there." Semi said, leading them into the castle.

"No hesitation at all, Eita?" asked Ushijima.

"Why would I hesitate? They are my friends after all, Semi said before going inside, followed by the others.

They walked while Iwaizumi told Semi everything that had happened.

"Ok, so you're saying that the people of Date Tech attacked the main castle, leading to the king and queen most likely getting killed and you guys just ran?! You didn't even fight back? " I asked Semi in disbelief.

We regrouped later on, starting to evacuate everyone knowing that the crowned Princess, now queen, was still alive as well as Toru, but he decided to look for Kyoutani and Yahaba without telling anyone, although some pixies went out and fought," explained Iwaizumi.

But you still didn't even try? Anyway, what's your plan now? " Semi asked.

"That's what we came here for," Kindaichi said, while Toru stayed quiet.

"Alright anyway, we're here." Semi said, opening the door to see Shirabu reading.

"Have you ever heard of..."He stopped when he saw Semi and friends at the door

"Oh, Semi, your back and Toru! You didn't even tell me you were coming, bitch" Shirabu said, offended that his best friend didn't tell him he was coming. "I see you brought your Iwa-chan and Kindaichi this time."

"Yep and sorry, the visit was unexpected to say the least," he said before explaining the situation to them in better detail.

"So are you two able to help?" asked Kindaichi.

"Yep, at least we think we can," Semi began, "I can make your realm invisible temporarily, but you'd want to learn this spell to be able to leave it invisible for longer, and it works well with your nature ability and Iwaizumis darkness ability."He said, handing Toru the scroll

"And I can help with the defences," Shirabu said before any of them could speak. "Plus we don't need the spell anymore"

"Thank you guys," Toru said, thanking his friends.

"Any day, Toru, I finished the letter informing everyone that we will be gone for a while," Shirabu said.

"Well, pack up, we leave tonight," Kindaichi said.

Both nobles nodded and both packed their bags. About an hour later, they were ready, while the two fairies and pixie chose to fly using their wings. Semi and Shirabu went by flying horse. They aren't common in Shiratorizawa, mainly coming from the Inarizaki territory, although they were able to get 2 from their friends Atsumu and Suna. By the next day, they were at the cave where the fairies and pixies were located. They were all brought to where the royals had been staying to meet with Sana and Akira; they were already in the room waiting for them.

"Hello, you two must be Semi Eita and Shirabu Kenjirou, correct?" started Sana, "My brothers have said you both could help with making us and our citizens go into hiding." Oh and how rude of me. I have yet to introduce myself. I am Oikawa Sana, the current leader of the fairies and pixies of Seijoh. "

"Yes, that's us." I am Semi, and this is Shirabu. We believe we are able to help, "Semi said.

"Hello, we believe that we may be able to help," Shirabu said.

They all talked about plans and stuff for the future of Seijoh. A few weeks later, Semi and Shirabu were able to put up the defences and turn everything and everyone in the bariors of Seijoh invisible. About a month later, Iwaizumi and Oikawa were able to straighten the barrier. Everything for the pixies and fairies slowly turned back to normal, saying that when they got to the area, nothing was hardly damaged. While Sana became queen, Semi and Shirabu were able to have wings while in the barrier.

_- To the present in Date Tech -_

"Aone-san, Fukatachi-san!" Screamed Kogane when he saw his Senpais

"Yes? Do you need something?" Aone asked

"I saw this book and-" He got cut off by Fukatachi

"You read!?" Fukatachi said in disbelief

Kogane ignored that and continued "It was about the fairies and pixies of Seijoh? Who are they"

Both royals froze; they hadn't heard about them for the last 7 years. They haven't been brought up by anyone in the last 7 years.

"No one, just some myth." Aone answered coldly

"Yes, they are just a myth. Now don't bring them up again alright" Fukataichi added

"Just a myth now?" Shirabu asked

All 3 of them looked behind them to see Shirabu. They have forgotten that both him, Semi, Goshiki, Tendo, Taichi, Kawanishi and Ushijima were staying.

"They protected you guys for years?! Now you're just calling them a myth?" Semi added

"So they are real?" Kogane asked

"They disappeared years ago" Fukataichi said "Now known as just a myth Kogane."

"Now go Kogane you mother is will be looking for you" Aone said

Once Kogane left The two royals and two nobles were left.

"You do know eavesdropping is bad right not adding that we are royals you guys are just nobles don't forget where you rank" Fukataichi said glaring

"We are sorry but last I checked we don't work for you, we are under Ushijima-san" Shirabu answered coldly. Fukataichi and Aone looked surprised by his answer

"Lets go semi-san" Shirabu said as he walked off

"Alright coming" Semi said as he followed him

"What's with them don't they know where they stand" Fukataichi said annoyed

"Just brush it off Kenji" Aone said pointing to the way to the dining area signalling they should go and eat

"Alright if you says so Aone" Fukataichi said walking off

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