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Hyunjin Pov:

I have recently joined this Modeling camp not because i wanted but it's because my mother wants me to follow in her steps. Which I am ok with because I don't really care but like I don't really want to be a model

I actually met this guy called Felix he is cute and sexy I just can't get him off my mind he's just perfect he's beautiful he's cute i wish i could get to know him more and become friends and more than friends

And i would do that it's just that my mother is very controlling she wants full control over my life

For example, every time i go to a camp or like just anything she has a spy following me around and seeing everything i do my mother is homophobic so i can't really get with Felix but i will try my best to make it not seem like i am interested in Felix

I checked the time and it was already 2 i wonder where Felix is i thought to myself

when is he coming
is he even ok?
I hope so i started worrying about Felix as he always is at the dorm first than me

I got a message i hope it's Felix

I got my phone and then saw that i have gotten a text from Seo-Jun

                                                                                     Seo- Jun

Hey, Sugar you asleep?

I don't want to text Seo-Jun now Seo-Jun is annoying she's very clingy and acts as if we were together in a relationship or something this is why i choose Seo-Jun to just be a little cover-up so the spy my mother paid to spy on me doesn't suspect anything about me.

 Seo-Jun is the type of girl my mother wants for me but i haven't told Seo-Jun anything i just go with the flow

i heard my phone i have gotten a new message

" Sugar why aren't you answering me i know you have seen my message are you made at me did i do something wrong?"

I can't stand her she calls me sugar all the time is that supposed to be cute or something?
Seo-Jun kept messaging me so i decided to mute her and scroll to Instagram for a bit

It's already been 2 hours Felix hasn't came back and  i forgot that i don't have Felix's number so how would he text me or tell me that he is ok and if something bad happened

But then when i was scrolling down on insta i saw a post and it was Felix sleeping while cuddling this dude it was posted 8 minutes ago and the caption said " I can't take this much cuteness <3"

Then i checked the comments there was a lot of

"Aww they look so cute together"
"My ship UwU"
"I totally ship they look so cute"

I am not sure why i feel envious and angry towards that gut who is cuddling with Felix

That should be me i felt so jealous  i couldn't take this Felix should be with me i should have not let this happened

I decide to wait for Felix in the living room so i would be there when Felix came back

7:39 am

I didn't sleep that entire night

Then i heard someone unlocking the door i knew it was Felix he then came in and locked the door he was trying to be as quiet as he could

You don't have to be quiet i am awake i blurted out load

Felix: Oh hi i thought you were asleep still

Where were you?

Felix: Oh i woke up at 6 and decided to go to the store and get some snacks

Stop lying i don't like liars i will ask you one more time where were you?
I got so angry with Felix because he wouldn't even tell me the true

Felix: You don't have to know where i am it's my choice if i want to tell you or not
Felix said walking towards his room

Felix: Hey!

Felix said as i was holding his wrist

Where were you?

Felix: i was out with a friend

for the whole night right?

Felix: Y-yeah..

You guys cuddled right?

Felix: How do you know were you spying on me??
Felix asked he looked mad but i didn't care

Felix your little friend posted it on insta how would i not find out?

I pulled Felix's waist closer to me and whispered to him

You can't cuddle with your friends nor stay over the night with them you got it

Felix: no you can't control me
Felix tried to to push me but i didn't let him go

Felix: Let me go!

No, not until you promise

Felix: ok ok i promise now let go of me

I quickly gave Felix a peck on the lips and pushed him away from me and when to my room to get some rest because i haven't slept all night

I just can't stand seeing Felix with anyone else i just want to call him mine i will someday make him mine officially so no one would be able to have a chance to be with Felix. 
Idk what to say i feel like this was short as always but whatever hope you guys enjoyed

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