🏬{Chapter 5} The Mall 🏬

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So last time we saw that Doggy got his half of face burned and the group are now part of the safe place and with the other group they are catching up to the others thanks to Zizzy and Mimi. So let's see what happens now :)
Warning this is a long chapter ._.

"Here it is our safe place" Said Mimi looking at the large hotel

"They will be surprised we actually found some people" Said Zizzy

"Well then what are we waiting for?" Asked Bunny

"Yeah let's get going the sooner we are inside the better" Said the Player

The group headed down from the building they where at to see a bit of chaos

"What the hell happened!?"

There show a lot of corpses and a few knocked out infected

"Well at least we don't have to worry about infected" Said Bunny

Then the C.E.O of Elly Enterprise got up picking up her spear with the only arm she had left and then other infected started to get up as well

"You where Saying?" Said Zizzy

The gang then started to fight the infected trying to take out as many as they can

"There is too many of them we have to go!" Shouted Mimi after "dodging" an infected's attack

"Zizzy come on follow me the safe place is just this way!" Shouted Zizzy

The gang then followed Zizzy to the safe place killing some infected along the way

"There it is!" Shouted Mimi

The gang could see the safe place and Giraffy closing the gate

"Wait! Hold the gate!" Shouted The Player

"What is tarnation was that?" Said Giraffy look at the direction of the noise

Giraffy could see the infected that where coming and he was horrified by the sign of infected

"Oh God.." Said Giraffy as he grabbed a near by shotgun and started to shoot as many infected as he can

"We aren't going to make it!" Shouted Tigry

"Oh yes we will!" Shouted Bunny as she grabbed Tigry and throw him inside the gate

Soon Zizzy Mimi and Bunny got inside the gate all that was left was the Player

"Come Player you got this!" Shouted Bunny

"Almost there!" Shouted the Player quickly was able to get into the gate just in time Giraffy had closed the gate and ina few seconds the infected started to press themselves against the gate trying to get in

"Phew.. that was a close call.." Said Tigry who was out of breath from all the running

"Yeah thankfully Giraffy had the gate open already" Said Mimi

"Yeah speaking of which Giraffy why was the door open?" Asked Zizzy

"Oh well I can explain it once we are in the safe place-" Giraffy was interrupted by a loud thud near a trash can

"What was that?" Asked Tigry looking at the direction of the noise

"It might be and infected we better go take it out" Said Zizzy

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