⚗️{Chapter 7} Plant 🧫

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Hello Welcome to the Plant AKA the end of book one so in the normal game but here it's only chapter 7
So last time we check Mimi got is dying half the group got separated and are now confronting The Potato behind the infection
So without anything holding us back let's do this

The group was chasing Mr.P down into the Plants main Laboratory section until he stop

"I wish to be alone by myself for my past sins I don't want and part of your plan you monster" Mr.P said the whole group was confused on what he was talking about

"My my you are as stubborn as I was when I wanted to try and save my Wife.." Mr.P said thinking about everything that had lead to this infection

"But it is time I end you demon to stop your plans I was not going to do anything but you keep on provoking me now I shall stop you as I should have myself" Mr.P said as he loaded his arm canon ready to fire

"Mr.P listen to us please we want to help you" Bunny said trying to get him to listen to her

"Stop trying to convince me with your lies" Mr.P said running away to the red section of the Plant

"He is not listening to us we need something to snap him back into reality" Doggy said

"Well how do we do that?" Asked the Player

"I have no idea but in the mean time we will need to fence him off" Pony said

"FIRE" Mr.P shouted firing his canon the others where barley able to get out in time

"I'm sorry old friend.." Bunny said shooting back at Mr.P

By now Bunny was behind a. Piller to lock the attacks and Mr.P was behind a big metal box to block Bunny's attack's

"What do we do they are going to bring you this whole place down if they keep this up! Well mainly Mr.P" Georgie said

"Not just that so of the infected made it in the Plant brace yourselves" Georgie said pulling out his Bat

"We need to blow this place up there are too many infected getting in" Doggy said

"Are you crazy you saw what happened to your face!" Pony said stabbing an infected in the chest with his sword

"Relax things will be different this time" Doggy gave Pony a reassuring smile

"Fine but you aren't light it this time" Pony said

"Well who is going to do it" Georgie asked

"I will Doggy already has burns on his face Georgie is took young and Bunny is distracting Mr.P" The Player said knowing how deadly this would be for them

"Are you sure about this Player?" Pony asked

"Yes you need to make sure Georgie is safe and make sure Doggy doesn't do something release" The Player said

"... Alright just be careful" Pony said

After that the Player ran off to the orange area of the plant while Doggy and Pony fought with some infected

~~~~~~~~~~~Orange area~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hmmm now how will I get some explosives" The Player said out load then they heard some screaming and ran to the the acid pool to see one of Mr.P's scientist Badgy hanging on for his life

"Omg! Let me help you!" The Player said reaching there hand out for him

"No don't! One of those thing already scratched me it's too late for me.." Badgy said with sadness

"Please just let me help you!" The Player said pulling him up

"Thanks for the help.." Badgy said looking down at the ground

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