'Season' 1, 'Episode' 2

14 1 4

—It starts off in some sort of ship. At first, nothing is seen, besides a long corridor, which has a lot of... devices, which seem quite dangerous, and what seems to be some energon on the walls and on the ground. The corridor, and most likely the rest of the ship, seems to be incredibly dark, with barely any light.

Finally, someone appears: BlueWarp. He looks panicked, and he has every right to be. While it doesn't seem too bad, at least at the moment, the triple-changer looks banged up, energon leaking off of him, specifically his wings. BlueWarp's running around frantically, seemingly trying to find an exit to the ship.

This goes on for some time, maybe five, as he's searching for the exit, but either ends up in another long corridor, somewhat similar to the previous one, or he keeps entering an area with many cells. Upset and terrified, BlueWarp keeps trying to find any sort of way out, but just as he's about to enter another area, hoping that it's something good, BlueWarp hears something.

He stays still for a moment before turning to look behind him. There, standing above him, was a figure. It was the figure of the leader of the DJD. Tarn. Before BlueWarp can really react to this, one of Tarn's servo's lunges forward, and goes straight through his chassis, pulling the triple-changer's spark out.

He can hear Tarn begin to say something, but before the DJD leader can finish, BlueWarp's optics snap open, and he wakes up. As he frantically looks around, he realizes that he's in his room, laying on his berth. In a weird position, most of his body is off of the berth.

Just as BlueWarp is beginning to relax from that horrible nightmare, he feels something tap him, and he flinches. He's about to open up the slots on one of his wings to fire one of his missiles, but before BlueWarp can, he finally realizes that both Faye and Quinn are in the room. Both look surprised and concerned.

When he realizes that it's just them, BlueWarp still tries his best to calm down, beginning to ask the two questions. Such as 'When did you get in here?' and 'Why were you watching me recharge?' and a few other questions. Faye doesn't sign anything, she just glances at Quinn, who looks a little upset about something.

The teenager quickly explains that everyone else was busy, including First Aid, so the two of them decided to visit BlueWarp. Well, Faye wanted to, and she dragged Quinn along with her. Quinn is also quick to reveal that they think BlueWarp was having a nightmare about something, especially with how he reacted once he woke up.

BlueWarp simply brushes it off, shrugging. It's nothing important. It was just a dream, he knew that, it was nothing serious. Before any of them can talk more about it, there's an alert about some Decepticon activity. BlueWarp hurries out of his room, wanting to forget about this, and deal with the 'Cons.

It's Optimus, BlueWarp, Mirage, And Wheeljack that go to deal with whatever the 'Cons, mainly Starscream, are doing. However, we never exactly see the fight going on, as for most/all of it, it's focused on BlueWarp.

When they got to the area, he was about to help fight off Barricade, however, BlueWarp froze. He kept getting flashes of what happened during the nightmare that he had earlier. Not only that, but BlueWarp keeps imagining some other things as well, which didn't happen in the nightmare. Such as him alone in the Autobot Base, entering his room, and finding Tarn in there.

He zoned out completely for the fight, and when BlueWarp finally came out of it, he was in the Medical Bay, First Aid nearby, checking something, along with the two humans, and Optimus in there with him. Quinn seems both annoyed, and a little worried, or maybe it's confusion, yet she doesn't say anything.

It goes through a little montage of similar things happening to BlueWarp for about four more days. Having regular nightmares, and waking up in a panic, sometimes waking up from them, and noticing someone, mostly the two humans, nearby. Or, mostly, BlueWarp tending to zone out at random, and start to imagine things, all involving Tarn, or even some of the other members of the DJD, specifically Vos.

It cuts to the middle of the night in BlueWarp's room, he had just gotten finished with talking to Optimus about something, who seemed worried. BlueWarp, nervous and panicked, along with just being exhausted, decides to just try and fall asleep, and hope that it's alright.

Unfortunately... it didn't turn out alright. At least for this certain dream.

He wakes up from a horrible nightmare, this one being worst than the last, as he sits up with his optics widened, BlueWarp's wings beginning to lightly shake. He almost shrieked when he woke back up, but managed to keep it down, not wanting to make anyone panic.

As he's trying to calm himself down, which isn't really working, he's looking around the room, and notices something small on the nightstand beside him. Upon getting a closer look at it, BlueWarp realizes that it's a music box. Getting even closer, he notices a note, and the hand-writing belongs to Quinn.

BlueWarp smiled at this, realizing that this was a gift from Quinn, who was seemingly wanting to help him with what was going on. He supposed that it was pretty easy to tell what was wrong. Sort of. Immediately, BlueWarp begins to think of what he can do to repay the human that he was tasked with watching over.

After a couple of minutes, he decides that he can figure that out later, and lays back down on the berth. Still a little nervous, but hoping that this would work, BlueWarp decides to turn on the tiny music box, and try to back into recharge, hoping that this time, it would be nice and peaceful.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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