Chapter 6

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Central Calender May 17th, 1639

18 km from New Mariposa Naval Base.

The Lourian troops were definitely not in good shape.

Sure, they still have most of their ground troops alive, but they already lost half of their wyverns. Troop morale is at an all-time low.

General Pandour had no idea how to win this. The enemy is far too advanced and General Pandour is all too aware of that. However, if he even think about retreating or defecting, he would end up dead. Adem would make sure of it.

General Pandour could do nothing but continue marching forward. He could only pray that he gets lucky. But he really doubts it. With the sheer display of power, he knows that his enemies have far superior firepower.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

New Mariposa Naval Base

Through stealth drones, Brigadier General Milton Conrad watches as the enemy march into 15km distance of the Naval Base. He knows his counterparts in the navy would be watching this too.

He knew what the orders are. There will be a coordinated shelling of the Lourian troops between the army and the Navy due to only having two artillery pieces in storage. Either way, against such a primitive army, it should be more than enough.

"Bastards won't even know what hit them," he chuckled.

As the Louriam troops finally marched across the 14km range, the order was given.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Lourian invasion force

General Pandour thought his next moves carefully. Perhaps he would just rush the base. If he gets lucky, he would be able to swarm them and take them. However, up until this point, they have not seen a single American soldier. Sure, they have seen their flying machines and the defected Naval Wyverns, but never an actual American troops.

That thought alone was enough to scare Pandour. Nobody knew what kind of weapons an american infantryman uses. Or worse, do they have land vehicles, comparable to those of the Superpowers of Mu and the Holy Milishial Empire?

Pandour's thoughts were completely disrupted when the ground around him erupted.

Somehow alive after the first barrage. General Pandour looked around, shellshocked and heavily injured. As far as the eye could see, there was just gore. His troops were literally smashed into the ground like grains in a porridge. Those alive were so heavily mutilated, they wouldn't live past the hour.

"Th-this...was...not...a...battle..." he uttered.

Pandour lost consciousness just before the second barrage came in, killing most of the remaining troops.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Onboard the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt

Watching the moving pictures broadcast from what the Americans call a "stealth drone", Sharkun almost vomited. He was expecting a proud display of American power, instead, the massacre was...just terrifying. Within second of the shots landing, the explosions completely destroyed the Lourian troops marching ahead. There was no battle, just an absolute slaughter.

Sharkun was glad that he did switch sides, but wondered if that was merely a fraction of America's former power, how much more powerful will the Americans at full power be. Perhaps some questions are best left unanswered, as the answer of which could drive a man insane.

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Kingdom of Louria, royal capital Jin Hark, Castle Hark, royal council

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