Chapter 8: You're Right

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"...because I care."


Wait a minute, did I hear him right?

"What did you say?!"

I almost shout at him again.

Damn, I think my face is now red as a tomato. He is still holding my face, and staring right through my eyes !

"Eh? I said ..Because I care?" He said, confused on my reaction.

"What?!" So I really heard him right.

"W-wait, could you please remove your hands already? Y-you know, it's a bit embarassing."

"Oh , sorry.. "

"N-no, it's fine-- i mean it's a-alright.."

I said while avoiding his gaze.

A moment of akward silence everyone.

Afterwards, I heard him sigh, that's why I turned again my head to him.

"I'm sorry if that reason made you mad." He said.


Who's mad? Me?! To him? Wait I'm not. Actually, I'm grateful to him. And I'm happy because of him. I'm happy to be with him.

"Kuroko-kun, wait I'm no---" I tried to explain what I want to say with my strange hand gestures waving in front of me, but he cut me off.

"I care for you maybe,.." He paused for a second and think. "Maybe because you're my friend, Azumi."

I felt that time suddenly stopped.

Eh? What did he say? A friend? He cares for me, because I'm his friend??

I know there's nothing wrong with what he said, but I feel something is not right.. I felt my heartbeat stopped for a second, it feels like there are thin needles being stabbed in my heart. I don't get it. It hurts.

I put down my hands to my side, with my gaze facing the ground and try to calm myself because I can feel I'm on the verge of crying again. No I don't want to cry again.. Wait, Why am I going to cry anyways?

"Is that so?" Is the only thing I manage to tell him.

"Yes. And friends should help each other right?" Kuroko asked with his usual tone of voice.

Then I felt another needle in my heart again. What's wrong with my heart, Azumi?!

"Y-yes, you're right Kuroko-kun.." I said while forcing a smile, even it is against my will.

I don't know what's wrong with me today, but there's only one thing for sure, I don't like what he said.

He smile back to me and it hurts.

"S-so, maybe I should go home now?" I said then pointed my house nearby.

I want to go away from you now, because I can feel I'm going to cry anytime.

"I think so, too. Goodnight Azumi." He politely said and as a cue, I hurriedly run inside our gate but before I close it, for the last time, I took a glance of him and he was still in his spot also staring at me that's why I smile, a force one and wave at him before closing the gate.

But upon closing the gate, a single shed of tear fell down in my cheek. My smile faded away. And I'm hurt again. I don't why I'm getting this feeling, I hate it.

"Onee-chan?" Someone speak behind me. I immediately wiped my tear.

I turned around to see my 5-years-old little brother, Yuki, making his way towards me.

"Yuki-kun, why are you still awake?" I softly asked him as I bent down to level my eyes to him.

"I can't sleep, Mom and Dad are fighting. I'm scared" He whined at me.

That reason again. I frowned then bitterly smiled at him.

"Do you want to sleep with me?" I suggested.

He nodded, then hugged his little arms around my neck and rested his small head in my shoulder. I smiled as I carry him inside our home.

I  am hurt today, but I need to be strong tonight for my little brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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