Chapter 11: Kidnapped and the chase

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"So, you two are dating now?" I asked Owen and Aria, who are both blushing . They nodded shyly.  Roxanne laughed and hugged her younger sister.

"About time. Now I can tease you just as you teased me about Tom and I." She said in jubilation.

"So, does that mean you two are future brothers-in law?" Chloe asked.

The others laughed as we blushed. As we walked home from school, we saw a black van heading towards my mother's house. Curiously, we followed them and hid behind a car parked behind them. One of the men stepped out from the driver's seat. He ordered his men to break down the door. 

"Tom, wait!" Marinette called as I ran towards them. I shoved one of them to the ground and snapped a kick at another in the stomach. A larger man grabbed me by the collar and threw me aside. 

As Roxanne helped me up, I heard my mother scream as she was dragged out of her house, wearing a nightgown and slippers. 

"Let my mother go!" I roared as I fought my way through her kidnappers. Marinette kneed one of them in the jaw while Luka punched another in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. Just as I was about to open the door, the large man punched me in the stomach and threw me into my uncle's car, breaking the windshield.

"Nipote, are you alright!?" Mario exclaimed as he helped me up.

"I'm fine, Zio. But those guys have my mother." I said as I pointed at the black van racing away from us.

"Everyone, get in!" My uncle shouted. We nodded and entered his car. As he gunned the engine, he called for reinforcements via his radio. We raced past traffic lights, dodging bystanders and food stalls. 

"Hang tight. I'm going to try to knock them of balance." Mario said as he drove next to the van.

Just as he was about to slam into them, a bullet bounced off his bonnet, denting the paint. The passenger cackled and fired more bullets at us. We clinged onto each over as the bullets punctured the car, barely missing us. Uncle Mario exclaimed in Italian as a bullet grazed his cheek. 

A group of police cars and a SWAT van arrived on the scene, following us into the Highway. Suddenly, one of the kidnappers fired a rocket launcher at us.

"Hold on!" Mario shouted as he swerved out of the way, dodging the rocket. The rocket destroyed two of the police cars.

"Damn it. We keep this up, someone's going to get hurt. Or worse." He said.

I opened the window and climbed out, balancing on the ruined hood.

"Get me closer to them, Zio. I'll try to slow them down." I called.

"That's suicide! You'll fall!" Owen shouted.

"No guts, no glory, Owen." I replied, glaring at the van.

As soon as we got close, I jumped off the hood of the car and hung onto the edge of the van. As the driver tried to shake me off, I clinged on for dear life, while trying not to look down. I managed to shimmy across the edge, moving towards the driver. As soon as reach for the door, the large man shoved it open, knocking me towards the road. I clinged onto the door as my jacket scraped on the concrete.

"Let go, you brat!" The man shouted as he tried to make me loose my grip.

"Tommaso!" My mother cried in the backseat.

"SHUT UP!" A man shouted. I heard the sound of a slap and my mother yelping in pain.

"Bastardo! What do you want with my mother!?" I demanded.

"You'll see." The man said as he stomped on my hand, causing me to loose my grip and tumble on the road. As I recovered, I saw the black van drive away from me. The police cars stopped behind me. My friends ran towards me, checking if I was alright.

"Claudia. She got away." Mario said in shock.

"And we don't know where they went." Luka said.

"I do." I said and pulled out my phone, turned it on and activated the tracker app.

"How did you-?" Roxanne asked.

"I placed a tracker on the van just before I fell. Now, if I can get this right, I should be able to-. There!" I said, pointing at the red beacon in South Paris.

"There's an abandoned warehouse in South Paris. That's where they're heading." 

"Nice." Aria said with a smirk.

"That begs the question. What does The Brotherhood want with your mother?" Luka asked.

"My guess, bait." Roxanne said.

"Whatever the case, we better get ready ASAP." I said.

"Not now. You guys better head home and rest up, since you have school tomorrow." Mario said.

"Right." I sighed, rubbing my bruised back.

"Shame about the jacket. Looks nice." Aria said, pointing to my ruined jacket.

" Aria said, pointing to my ruined jacket

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"Yeah. It was my father's. Wore this back in high school." I replied.

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