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I forgot why I was even here. And just thought about how embarrassed Justin's comment made me.

Why had it got me so embarrassed, when It was just a stupid perverted comment, was it maybe because....well I don't know.

"Oh um, I Ugh guess" I manage to push out, deciding that not saying thing will make it more awkward, haha I thought.

He was sitting so close to my side not only was his thigh touching mine, but he had put his arm on the back of the couch behind me.

"I bet you just need a little help" He says huskily right into my left ear.

It makes me shudder as he manages to get even closer to me

I start to panic, what was he doing, what was he trying to accomplish by making me embarrassed and flustered?

I pushed away from him slightly to look in his eyes.

"Can- I um, use your bathroom" I awkwardly said while he looked straight at me

"Sure thing baby, want me to take you" he asks, fully aware that I have no idea were the bathroom would be

I looked around my surroundings quickly noticing all the weird creepy looking type people.

"Yes please" I shyly smile at him, trying to be nice, even though I was kinda nervous about being here in the first place.

Where the hell did Ryan even go?

I mean I don't even really know Ryan, but I feel more comfortable around him.

Justin and I start walking through the excited crowd. Most people seeming to notice Justin, I got a few bitchy looks from some of the girls when they seen that Justin's arm was around my waist guiding me through

I just ignored it, If they only knew.

"C'mon, you can use the one in my room" He lowly said into my ear as we rushed through the crazy crowd.

I shuddered again, well I guess that's better than trying to find one without people having sex in it.

Justin pulled me up the large staircase, I quickly looked down and realized just how huge this place actually was, and I haven't even seen it all.

I followed close behind him, because I honestly had no idea where anything was, and I did not want to get lost.

He suddenly stopped at a door at the very end of the hall, which I'm assuming was his. Justin pulled out a key and put in the door, unlocking it.

I guess he really doesn't want people using his bathroom?

He held the door open and ushered me in with his hand, walking in front of him. I was in awe staring around his beautiful room, it was easily the size of my apartment back home. Despite the size, the room gave off a very warm feel. It had light beige walls and a huge king size bed in the middle with completely white sheets. On the wall opposite of the bed was a flat screen, that was probably around an 70inch, wow. I also noticed three doors throughout the room, probably like closets.

"woah" I say lowly

"uh em" I heard Justin clear his throat and I jumped, and he looked at me with a cocky smirk, knowing I was impressed with his room.

"This is really nice, this is like the size of my apartment" I chuckled, being honest.

"What building are you in" he asked casually

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