from the beginning

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authors note- so fist off i would like to say hi! how are you hows your day and if theres anything you ever want to say talk about or suggest you can always tell me and lastly there wont be a lot of authors notes bc i know that no one really reads them ok so have fun and i love you!!!!!!!!!!!

 so from the beginning so me a javon have been besties since forever and how have wae stayed so close we have rules 30 to be exact but rule 9 and 10 i mayyyy have broke well so you see javons older brother (by 2 mins) well hes stupid hot and rule number 9 is to never ever do anything with him and rule number 10 is to never break rule number  9 and i did but here's how it all started the waltons decided to take a trip to the beach and at the time javon had a gf so he took her and jayla brought her gf so jaden took me well we had taken the van and jadens truck i rode with jaden javon and his gf so i sat upfront with jaden while javon flirted and blushed the whole 6 hours there and me and jaden talked so when we got the beach there were 2 houses we rented one for the parents and one for me jaden jayla and her gf ,javon and his gf so after we got there it was late so everyone went to bed and when we woke up javon had already made plans with his gf and ofc which i understood but wow way to leave me out and jayla made plans with her gf so me and jaden were left by our self's so we got ready and just walked around after a while we got lunch and man i swear i have never laughed so much in my life and man was he so nice we got food and decided to go swim so instead of going to the beach we went back to the house and were in the pool and this might sound cringy but its what started all of this and i wouldn't trade it for the world but we were just swimming and splashing each other and he lifted me up and threw me under water when i came back up i tried to do the same but failed badly so when i gave up we were in a weird placement  but he looked at me in a way that made me calm and safe but most of something ive never felt or even seen not even if the stupid Christmas movies that you wish was your life but it was better so i wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed me and i know javon would've killed us if had seen but this was so worth if if he did jaden just held me it so wrong and mean but it was good and happy and like fireworks shot up in the air once we pulled away he just help me with my head on his shoulder but after a little we heard laughs and giggles so we pulled away the i heard javon scream asking where i was so i swam under water away from him and out of the pool as javon open the back door with his gf and her god awful extensions and even javon agreed with that but he loved her so i had to be happy for him that was one of our rules always be happy for your bestie once i got out i started talking to javon but he was telling me how his day was but once jaden got out of the pool i stopped listening god he was so tall and his hair was everything god what i would do just to cuddle him and play with his hair but i had to come back down to earth and jaden walked passed up smacking javon on the had which led to a fight with both of them running around soon javons parent knocked on the door to check on us and dropped of food for us soon enough jayla and her gf got back and we all watched a movie javon picked and jayla and her gf went to bed then javon and his gf then jaden and i turned everything off and cleaned up then went to bed after  couple hours a heard a knock on my door i opened it to see a not to tired jaden standing there he asked if we could talk so i let him in and closed the door

until next time byeeee ima go take a nap

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