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Tommy had been trapped in the prison for god knows how long, he lost track of time. He'd been joking around and messing with Dream for the past few minutes, anything to keep his hopes up right? Anything to stay alive.

The floor burned, a-lot. The bandages on his feet were barely enough to keep his feet protected. It was hot in the prison cell- too hot.

He missed the cold, refreshing wind. The birds, his home, his discs, Tubbo. He missed it all too much.

Today was quiet, for a little while at least. Tommy was in the corner, daydreaming about what was going on outside, was it raining? Was it snowing? Was it sunny and warm, like it always was? Did anybody miss him? Did anybody remember him?

Dream, the man who tortured and manipulated him in Exile, the man who drove him to build that tower, the man who claimed to be his best friend, who was now pacing the prision cell. His footsteps didn't make any noise.

It was too silent, Tommy didn't like the silence.
Dream stopped pacing and glanced at him. "What do you want?"
Tommy flinched, "I'm BOREDD! It's too quiet in here!"
Dream scoffed. "Prime, do you ever just shut up Tommy?" Tommy stared, offended. "What do you mean? Of course not!"

At first, he thought the punch was a joke, so he jokingly punched back.

But the punches began to hurt as Dream kept doing it, slamming him into the wall. "Dream- stop- stop, stop stop STOP WAIT-"
Dream pulled him by the hair and forced his face into the hot lava.

Sam could've sworn he heard a scream, but it must've been his imagination. Tommy always screams, hes a loud man. It was probably nothing. Right?

It was silent, again. But the silence was louder this time, and it was dark, very dark. Tommy gasped and sat up, breathing heavily. He looked around, nothing. A void, darkness, silence. There wasn't any pain, there wasn't anything.

Tommy sat there in silence, waiting for a light to turn on, waiting for someone to comfort him, to tell him that he is home.

What is home?

 A Tommyinnit Angst Oneshot :)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang