Omar x Sad! Reader - A Not So Meet Cute

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tw// suicide mentioned

Omar wasn't sure what he was hearing, but he knew he didn't like it.

He was doing his regular patrol on the overpass when he heard a noise from deep in the forest. It was faint, but he definitely knew he was hearing something. It was a sound akin to a wounded animal.

'I really shouldn't leave my post,' he thought. 'The honeysuckle rangers might try something again.'

Just as those thoughts we're crossing his mind, he heard a particularly loud wail of despair.

'That settles it,' he decided. 'Ive gotta go and try to help. Besides, the world won't stop spinning because I leave for 5 minutes.'

Omar hopped off the bridge, and made his way towards the noise. As he walked through the thick forest, several guesses as to what the noise could be crossed his mind. 'An injured deer, a hurt coyote, maybe even a bear stuck in a bear trap.'

When he finally reached the source of the noise, it was nothing he expected.

Sitting under a tall tree was a kid around his age. And they were balling their eyes out.

Omar's first instinct was to just back away slowly, and return to his duties. He didn't think himself emotionally equipt enough to be able to bring this kid comfort.

On the other hand, it didn't look like anyone else was coming, and they were in clear need of some reassurance.

'Screw it,' Omar thought. 'With how much they're crying, it doesn't look like I can make the situation any worse.'

"H-Hey there..." Omar said awkwardly, regretting his decision immediately.

The kid jumped in surprise, and whipped their head in Omar's direction. Upon spotting Omar, they fervently began whipping their eyes.

"...hi" they stated, voice breaking as they spoke. "I'm okay, you can go."

"Look, I was born at night, but not last night. We both know you aren't okay." Omar declared sitting down next to the mystery kid. "So you can either tell me what's wrong and let me try to help, or we can both sit here in silence. The choice is yours, but I'm not leaving you alone right now. Got it?"

His words hung heavy in the air. His declaration surprising both of them. They sat in silence for what seemed like forever. The only sound being that of the kids sniffles and whimpers.  'I guess they aren't going to open up after all.'

Just as Omar finished his thought, the meek voice of the kid filled that air.

"My dad two days ago."


'I was right. I really am not equipped to handle this."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I guess it couldn't hurt..."

After taking a deep breath to compose themself, the kid began to explain their situation.

"It's pretty graphic, so remember you asked for this. You can tell me to stop at any moment I came home from school two days ago to discover my dad had shot himself in the head."

Omar gasped.

"My mother died giving birth to me, and he hasn't been the same since, or so I'm told."

At this point, the kid started sobbing again. Omar put his arm around them in an attempt to comfort them. After a few minutes, they were able to continue.

"He was an abusive, alcoholic, who practically did nothing but beat me, but he was still my dad, ya'know? He was the only family I had left."

They buried their face into Omar's shoulder.

"And in a few days I'm gonna be taken into foster care... I don't wanna leave the creek."

Omar hugged the stranger tighter, unsure of how else to comfort them.

"We'll, I'm sure you'll find a good home soon," Omar reassured them meekly. "And your friends from the creek will call all the time and fill you in!"

"That's really the sad part of my story. I don't have any friends at the creek. No one will even notice I'm gone..."

There was a brief bout of silence before Omar spoke up.

"Well, I'll notice."

The kid look up at Omar, and for the first time since he had met them, a smile graced their face. Omar thought it looked rather nice on them. 'They should wear it more often.'

Just then, the sound of a tuba filled the air. It was dinner time.

"Thank you," the kid said as they stood up, and started walking in a direction Omar could only guess was their home.

"Wait!" Omar shouted, standing up quickly. "C-Can I get your name? I mean, you've told me about your dad's suicide and I still don't know it..."

"Y/n... What about you?"

"The gre—" he cut himself off. "Omar. You can call me Omar."

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Omar," y/n stated as they spun on their heels, and started walking off again.

"Wait! One more thing!" Omar reached into his pocket, grabbing a pen, and started scribbling something down on a piece of paper. He jogged up to y/n and handed it to them. "So that I can keep you updated when you move away."

After handing her the slip of paper, Omar vanished. 'Man that kid is fast,' y/n thought to themself.

As they walked to their home, they looked down at the slip of paper and read what it said.

Incase you get lonely :)

Y/n smiled to themself. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Hey! Ollie here!

This oneshot was requested by the lovely xXderpy-merpXx I definitely used this story to vent some of my own issues, so thanks for requesting it!

Incase any of you readers care to know, everything that y/n went through is what I've recently been going through. I have been on foster care for about 2 weeks now, and I am so ready to leave.

Tonight is, thankfully, my last night in foster care, as one of my Aunt's has agreed to take me in. In 2 hours I will be flying to Melbourne to meet her, and I'm very excited and nervous! Wish me luck!

I also feel like I should mention that suicide is never the answer. If you are considering suicide, please know that you are loved by many, if not, at least one person (me). If you don't feel comfortable reaching out to a loved one, please consider calling the following number: 800-273-8255.

I only have one more request, so if you want to, feel free to leave one, and I will be sure to get to it as soon as possible!

One more thing. I have been thinking about making oneshot books for other shows (i.e: Owl House, Amphibia, DuckTales, etc.). Is that something you would like to see?

Once again, thank you all for reading, and remember to be gentle with yourself. You're only human <3

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