Craig x Omar - No Need For Cupid's Arrows When You Bring Your Own

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Craig was completely and utterly smitten.

He didn't know how he hadn't noticed it before now.

While walking home from school, the realization hit him like a punch in the face. He actually physically stopped in his tracks.

He realized that he saw a little bit of Omar in everything.

Craig saw him in the green blades of grass that grew in his front lawn. He saw him in the overpass everytime he looked at his precious map. He even saw him everytime he ate an icy pop.

'I really need to go visit him more,' Craig thought to himself as he walked home.

His mind began to wonder to the last time he hung out with Omar.

It was a bright, sunny day. One where, sadly, both Kelsey and JP were unable to come to the creek. JP got sick after eating cat food because he apparently would "be able to hear his cats thoughts" if he did. JP's words, not Craig's.

Kelsey had a library date with Stacks planned, and she wouldn't miss that for anything. Not even the creek.

With no one else to hang out with, Craig decided to pay Omar an over due visit.

Once he had finally reached the overpass, Omar suddenly appeared on Craig's raft, causing his heart to nearly jump out of his chest, as usual. Looking back now, Craig wasn't sure if his heart was racing solely from fright.

"Hey," Omar said, helping Craig bring his raft to shore.

"Hey man!"

"Where's thing 1 and thing 2?"

"Kelsey and JP were both busy today, so I came to visit you."

"Cool." After a brief pause, Omar continued. "So what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know. I was hoping you'd have something in mind," Craig answered with a shrug.

"Hmm." Suddenly, Omar's face lit up. "You ever shot a bow?"

"No!" Craig said, excitement showing on his face. "But I sure would like to!"

"Follow me, I'll show you how."

After a brief trip through the woods, Omar and Craig ended up in a clearing. On the far side of the clearing, there was log with a few cans lined up on it. Behind the log was a thick tarp hanging up from tree limbs.

"Welcome to my training grounds," Omar declared, pride evident in his voice.

"Glad to be here," Craig said. Then, with confusion lacing his voice, Craig asked, "What's the tarp for?"

"Oh, that?" Omar started while pulling out his bow. "That's incase I miss. Wouldn't want a stray arrow hitting anyone, so I put the tarp up to stop any stray arrows."

"Very smart," Craig complemented. "Now what's the first step?"

"Alright, first, I'll walk you through how to properly hold a bow." He handed the bow to Craig.

"Alright, so your left hand should go on the front grip, and your right hand should go about half way up the string, like so." Omar guided Craig's hands to the correct locations while Craig tried to conceal his blush due to the contact.

"Hold your left arm out full extended. When you pull the string back, pull it all the way back to where the string is touching the corner of your mouth."

Craig followed the instructions and nodded once he was done.

"Alright, I think your ready for an arrow," Omar stated, putting an arrow on the bow for Craig.

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