Chapter 2

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Elena watched adored the quietness it gave her comfort that dead wouldn't wander over to her and it gave her time to think

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Elena watched adored the quietness it gave her comfort that dead wouldn't wander over to her and it gave her time to think. She had been at Hershel farm for three weeks now, she was healed and ready to go. She didn't have much when she was alone except for her katana and hunting knife. She decided leaving without anyone knowing would be better, she knew Glenn would feel indifferent about her leaving.

She looked back at the farm before walking into the woods. She felt like it had been hours walking but it couldnt been past 8 am, the sun had already risen and the air was cold and crispy. It slapped her face causing her cheeks to turn a light pink.


She pulled her katana out and held it in a defense position, she looked around and saw no one.

" Shh." A small voice said

She lightly and slowly walked over to where she heard the little voice. Behind a tree two little girls hid. They both had blonde hair and pale skin.

" Please don't hurt us." The older girl said pleading

Elena felt a ping in her heart, these two girls alone in this dark cold world no one to protect them. She couldn't leave them behind no matter what her mission was.

She knelled down to their height." I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Elena." She said introducing herself in hopes to calm the scared girls.

" I'm Sophia and Shes Kayla." Sophia said in a whisper

Sophia, that name sounded familiar to here. She remember carol said she had a daughter, but she couldn't remember the name of the little girl.

" Where are your parents?" She asked as the trio walked through the woods.

" My parents are dead." Kayla whispered. She held Elena's hand tightly not wanting to be left alone again.

" I'm sorry."

" My mom is alive, maybe you've seen her." Sophia said with hope laced in her words.

" What's her name?" Elena asked.

" Carol Peletier, she's friends with rick and Lori."

Elena stopped in her tracks. Rick and Lori, she had to be carols daughter. But she had to be sure before even thinking about going back.


Rick stood at the campire watching his family eat their breakfast, he was grateful for hershel and his family to feed his family and the group. They had the same breakfast they would normally have eggs and oatmeal, it did fill them up.

" Hey, has anyone seen elena ?" Glenn asked as he finished his breakfast

memebers of the group muttered no's. A part of him felt like shane was up to something, she wouldnt just leave without saying goodbye to anyone especially not to glenn, they were attached at the hip.

Maggie ran over to the group, breathing heavy from the dustance she ran.

" Elena is gone, her back pack and katana gone as well but she left a note."

" No.. she wouldnt leave. She wouldve said something." Glenn said devisrated.

Ricks heart pounded in his chest, it wasnt safe for anyone to be alone in the world especially not a woman with a healing ankle.

" What does it say ?" Lori asked pushing her food away.

Dear group,

by time you guys even read this letter i would be already gone. I have to find my brothers, you guys are a good group but also damaged. I wish i couldve said goodbye especially to you glenn but i know that if it came to it i wouldnt i have it in me to leave so i went my way. I will be fine take care of each other

Shane wasnt happy that she left beacuse that meant that she knew a way back to the farm where she could bring people to kill them. He mentallty laughed this girl was pathetic couldnt even man up to leave. He was prepared to search for her and make sutr she didnt come back.


Elena and the girls found a small cabin, on the way she had to take down some walkers as they girls hid away. The cabin was dusty as expected but it did have some food and water, which made the two girls happy. They couldn't remember when they lasted ate.

" I miss McDonalds." Kayla said as she placed another spoon full of beans in her mouth.

Elena chuckled and moved her hair out the way. " You know what I miss? I miss Ice-cream, the different flavors and ooh sundaes." She reminded. Her mouthwatering at her old craving.

" My dad never let me have anything sweet." Sophia muttered.

" He sounds like a asshole." She stated forgetting she was around little kids.

"Ohhh you used a bad word." Kayla scolded

Elena put her hands up in compliance. " I am sorry, he sounds like a jerk." She corrected herself.

Sophia and Kayla giggled as they finished their food. This was sight she had missed, hearing children's laughter and seeing smile. But she was reminded that the dead still walked among the living.

" You said you knew a couple named rick and Lori. who else did you know." She asked grabbing the girl's cans and placing them down on a counter.

" Carl is my friend. We always play together."

Elena head turned to the girls. this coukldnt be a coinsidence, she knew rick, carl and lori and even said her mother was carol. She had to take her back to the farm but she was not going to stay.

" Okay girls this is what we are going to do, we are going to fill my bag with foopd and water and we will headout." She said grabbing her bag

The two girls grabbed food as elena went into the bathroom closet to grab two blankets. When she got back she niticed her bag was full enough, she plced the blankets in the bag and place the bag over hewr shoulders.

She crouched down to  the girls height and placed two knives in their hands. They had to learn to defend theirselves whether they wanted to or not.

" You two need to know how to defend yourselves, its dangerous iut there and i wont be able to always protect you both. Make sure you stab them in the head always the head never be afraid its life or death." She said firmly

She turned to sophia " I know where your mom is, im going to take you back to her." She said soflty

Sophia teared up, she was going to see her mom again. She hugged elena gratful for her. Elena smiled and stood up. the trip left the cabin and headed back to the dirrection of the farm. During the trip there it started to get hotter it had to be around 2 pm but she knew it wasnt neae night fall simoly because the sun was still shining bright.

by time they reached the farm the sun began to set. She noticed the darm seemed quiter than usual especially when everyone was awake and during chores. She held the girls hands as they walked over to camp fire. No one was there.

Sophia tugged her arm. " Are you sure my mom is here ?" She asked softly.

Sophia was a damaged girl and she knew she would survive it unless she was taught how to survive.

" Ye-"

She felt a cold barrel on the back of her head. Fuck she thought to herself.

" Don't fucking move." Shane's voice said harshly.

End of chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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