One Hint

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As Jin Woo stares at Mi Jo who is still sleeping so soundly in his childhood bed, he can't help but going back to his conversation with his partner and best friend, Park Seon Ho a few months back.

They were at the launching of J-One new game and together with Choi Yang Ju they did wonder how they pulled this through after the project almost got delayed due to some technical issues just three months prior.

"It must be my lucky year." Jin Woo stated confidently as they watched all the best player and gamer community gaga over their newest creation.

"Every year, you always said that, Daepyo-nim." Yang Ju responded.

"And every year we achieved new ceiling." The handsome CEO replied.

"Except last year." Park Seon Ho hummed his response, knowing he triggered Jin Woo with his words.

"Last year was an anomaly." Jin Woo grumbled.

"Sure, we can always point our failed attempt at diversification as the culprit," Seon Ho agreed with his partner. "Or maybe it was because you lost your good luck charm."

"You know I don't believe in luck. Everything can be technically explained."

"That's not what you said when Mi Jo was still around."

He knew it was meant as a joke, but his heart didn't get the memo and it hurt all the same. He never believed in luck, but he couldn't deny that Mi Jo was his good luck charm. It wasn't until Mi Jo showed up in his life did everything make sense and things took turn for the better.

J-One launched into its full potential, then continued to grow into a Fortune 500 company, building its resume as the haven of gamers around the world with its breakthrough in augmented reality based games. Jin Woo was regarded as one of the best CEOs for three years in a row until last year; when everything fell apart in his personal life and things went awry with their diversification plan.

So, maybe— his CFO was partly right but Seon Ho would never hear him acknowledging it. He broke up with Mi Jo and that was the end of it. "She is not around anymore, Hyung. Stop bringing her into every conversation we have."

"Then maybe you should start moving on. Stop driving yourself around her clinics."

Jin Woo did just that at the time, especially after seeing her with that damn colleague of hers. He made up his bed and now he had to lie on it, despite the further crumbling sound of his heart. He didn't know it back then, but there was no moving on from her.

"Indeed, there's no moving on from you, my love." He murmurs, leaning down to whisper in her ears.

"Cha Mi Jo," he calls her name softly. The sleeping woman responds incoherently and pulls the bedcover over her head.

"Mi Jo-ya, wake up."

"Go away."

"Wake up, Cha Mi Jo." Jin Woo whispers again.

"Go away, Yoo Jin Woo." Mi Jo replies in a muffled voice.

Jin Woo pulls the bedcover and smiles when sleeping Mi Jo — his now-girlfriend-again — comes to view. "Still sore, huh?"

"First date with you and all that." She mutters with her eyes still close.

"It's only a little hiking."

"What you said a little hiking were climbing Hallasan and Seongsan Ilchulbong. Back to back. Who did those two for a first date?"

He chuckles lightly and messes with her hair affectionately. "I forget how dramatic you can be. Get up now, you don't have much time."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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