When the past haunts part 3 full chapter

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*click about the media is the song feature in this chapter by the way this is the last part of When the past haunts segment. This a the full chapter

When The Past Haunts Part 3-
The music of the song "Beautiful Dreamer" sung by Stehpan foster starter to play for Jack and Elizabeth's dance. They decide to dance beneath the starlight and city lights at the patio. The lyrics rang like music to their ears. Both couldn't help but sing into each other ears
"Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me,
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee;
Sounds of the rude world, heard in the day,
Lull'd by the moonlight have all pass'd away!
Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song,
List while I woo thee with soft melody;
Gone are the cares of life's busy throng,
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!

Beautiful dreamer, out on the sea
Mermaids are chanting the wild lorelie;
Over the streamlet vapors are borne,
Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn.
Beautiful dreamer, beam on my heart,
E'en as the morn on the streamlet and sea;
Then will all clouds of sorrow depart,
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!"

After the music and song ended Jack and Elizabeth watch the stars gleam and shine bright. Then Jack notice a shooting star and told Elizabeth,
"I found a shooting star."
Elizabeth said "And what did you wish for?"
Jack asked,"Close your eyes and I will tell you"
Elizabeth closed her eyes Jack smiled stroked her cheek down to her chin used his hand to lightly pulled Elizabeth into a kiss. After the kiss, Jack let out a sigh of relief and told her;
"I wanted to do that for longest time tonight."
Elizabeth giggled with flattery and said, "That is sweet Jack, and I am sorry about my mother she should have treated you like you were non-existent. You shouldn't have been treated that way."
Jack took her hand, "Elizabeth, it is okay, your parents they missed you they love you they want what is best for you."
"You are what is best for me, Jack, I am so happy you return home to me."
"You are my home Elizabeth, you are where my heart lies."
"I can't wait to return to Coal Valley, miss Abigail and children and so thrilled to start teaching in a school house than a saloon." Elizabeth said cheerfully
"Well don't have to rush coming back, we months before summer's over besides want us to spend more time with your family and maybe on the way home you can visit mine."
Elizabeth hugged him so thrilled that their relationship is blooming so well she ever seem more confident Jack is on the path in asking her hand in marriage.
Danger unfortunately still lurk in midst as Julie, Mr and Mrs Thatcher return home. Billy Hamilton rise of out the bushes got out his gun as he made way towards the Thatchers'
While dancing it is the strangest thing Elizabeth felt so happy but she had a feeling something was just not right she couldn't place this feeling so try to ignore it and let Jack sway her to smoothing sound of the music playing. Maybe she tired and the day full drama drained her. Jack could tell with her expressions on her she had an overwhelming night. So he asked her,
"Enough dancing for tonight my lady."
"Indeed, this evening was overwhelming."
"Say no more, I will fetch us carriage."
"No indeed, it nice evening to walk."
"Are you sure."
"I am sure besides if I get tried I know that I can always depend on you to carry me home." Elizabeth giggled
Jack chuckled, "Very well" Jack puts on Elizabeth's coat he wraps his around arms behind her kisses her cheek whispers,
"I am glad, I was here, to show your family how I love you and want to protect for the rest of my life."
Elizabeth smirk caress his hand, " I am happy and love you too, my Mountie."
The love birds walk into the moonlite and starlight not aware that danger was in midst Billy ensure his trap is set when the lovely couple return home. Billy had no problem with Elizabeth's mom and pa. But Julie she knows how to put up a fight unfortunately he came prepare and had the gun and as she was tugging and pulling to get away for his grip he used the bottom of gun to knock her out for while.
Elizabeth's mother and father tried to scream call for her but it was to hard due the gags in their mouths. Elizabeth's parents prayed for Someone to come and save them. Soon they hope before any more damage is done.
But had some fun in store for this family. He strut in front of the thatcher family fiddle the gun around informing the family,
"Now, folks I don't mean you harm but if say a word or even try to struggle. I will shoot you. I have settle to score with Elizabeth and her Mountie, Jack. They made a fool out of me at least I could is return the favor. "
Billy looked his pocket watch he stole from an old rich man it was almost 9pm.
"They should arriving soon."
He walked over to the front window of the house took a peak out of the window to see Jack and Elizabeth to cross the street. He smirked and said to himself out loud.
"Let the games being."
Once Jack and Elizabeth across the street it is was the no one was out walking so dance and twirl around the streets of the city without a care in the world. Elizabeth she was a bit tipsy missed one step tripping on her heels nearly about to fall happy Jack was happy to catch in his arms. He caught her and help her adjust herself they glanced at each other their eyes sparkled at another about to share another sweet kiss but it was interrupted by the sounds of her parent front door opening. Elizabeth shutter and had the uneasy feeling something was wrong. Jack didn't hesitate he demand Elizabeth,
"Stay here. I am going to check things out." He knelt down to get a small gun he holster on his ankle. Elizabeth stunned,
"Jack, you have a gun all this time."
"Just in case of emergencies. And this looks like one. Now stay here, I will be back."
"Alright, be careful Jack." Elizabeth shaking in fear.
Jack slowly enter the Thatcher home. He tries to not make a sound to ensure he does not alert any intruder. He points out his gun front of he does hear some whining sounds from his left it was some hard to see but the light from the moon was guiding him and he following the whining sounds which grew louder by he made his way the living room. Jack was stunned to find Elizabeth family tied up and gag trying to wrestle out whining. Jack pointed down his gun.
The Thatcher family whines grew even louder as they were grateful Jack had come to save them but the hope was only a glimmer and soon fade as Billy was behind him, and said,
"Happy to have you Jack."
Then boom Billy uses the end of his gun hitting him and knocking on the ground. What Billy didn't know was that Elizabeth sneak in grabbing a glass vase and from behind use smash the vase on his head knocking him to the ground and told him,
"No one is going to come here and hurt the people I love"
After knocking Billy unconcious the police came in she immidated untie her family after doing that she rushed over to Jack screaming for him to wake up. After a few minutes screaming and crying Jack slowly awaking and whisper to Elizabeth.
"Don't worry my Elizabeth. I am not going away that easily."
She squealed happy as could she kisses all over he face hugs him. "I thought you were dead."
"Nope not just got wind knockout of me that is all. Where is Billy?"
Elizabeth looked to see an unconcious Billy getting arrest "Don't worry he has been taking care of."
"Good." Jack reply then asked "Are you and your family alright."
"A little scared but fine." Elizabeth said as was help Jack up his feet.
It was long night for the family and but at least Elizabeth's love saved them.

24 hours later
Before leaving for breakfast at the Thatcher home motel receptionist gave Jack an telegram from Abigail informing she suspects Rosemary of stealing the ring and that she left for home to visit her family.
He was stunned but not shocked that Rosemary would do such a thing. He need to go to New York to get the ring and make Rosemary understand is the never going to be a future for them.
He needed to get to Elizabeth and tell right away of the news.
At the thatcher home Elizabeth was eager waiting for her beloved to arrive as she some news she need to stay from a bit her family needed her here after all that has happen she want to return to Coal Valley with Jack. But her mother seem distraught and unhinge from the events last night bad dreams and night sweats. Elizabeth's mother was not well and she is not going to leave her side till she is better.
10 minutes passed and Jack arrived,
he hated to give Elizabeth such bad news but he to tell her the truth.
"Elizabeth, where are you?" He called
"In the living room, Jack" She answered
Jack found alone wondering where the rest of the family was. "Elizabeth where is your family."
"At the hositipal, my mother she an had episode last night plagued by the haunting of Billy's attacked she is sick. Jack I have to stay here."
"Oh I see. I understand. Elizabeth was about to suggest you stay with your family till summer's end."
"Why what is wrong?"
"Well, I had a present for you but the present was misplace and gave it to Abigail for safe keeping but Abigail informed that your present is with Rosemary she stole and I have to go New York and retrieved it."
"Wow Rosemary is she handful of thrones."
"I know please forgive me I want to be here for with your family but this present is special and I need to get back and bring to you. You understand."
"Of course I understand" touching his cheek. He held her hand and promise
"I will return to as soon as I can I promise." They kiss and Jack takes Elizabeth to her carriage to take her the hospital and he wave goodbye as she faded away into the distance knowing their hearts will be reunited.

Note- Well that is the end of this saga for now I will return in two weeks with a new chapter as I have finals this week and hope you all you hearties are enjoying the new season

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