When Calls for one to propose

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Chapter 7
After watching and learning from Abigail and Jack, Elizabeth was able to make Pasta with meat sauce. When Abigail saw the two setting up dinner she walked upstairs to give them privacy.
Elizabeth felt accomplish she what she did today with jack she was so happy she had to thank Jack. As he sat down Elizabeth pretended to trip on his lab he catch her. She kissed him on the lips and hugged him and whisper
"Thank you for teaching how to finally cook properly. You are such an inspiration in my life and I love you Jack Thornton"
He kissed back and said. "I love you, my dearest Elizabeth and I admire your dedication and unwillingness to fail you inspire me
She kisses me again gets off his lap they being having their dinner
r. They didn't talk much but smirk at each other thinking about their pending future. But Jack asked,
"So ready for summer."
"Yes, it will nice to have some free time in my hands"
"Three months is a lot of free time. Are you planning on going home for the summer? I am sure you miss your family?
Elizabeth said, "I was considering it and yes I do miss my family but."
Jack asked "But what" Jack eating his rib roast
Elizabeth playing with her food, told finish her sentence, "But I have you to consider after I decided to make you and Coal Valley my new home."
Jack drop his fork and knife reaches for her hand tells her
"Elizabeth, don't let me stop from seeing your family, if you miss them to see them."
"But what if, they urge me to stay." Elizabeth asked
"I am sure, they try to because they love you and they want you to stay." Jack reply
Elizabeth admitted, "If I tell them that I made Coal Valley my home they fear they will never see again go away from the face of the earth just like my auntie Elizabeth"
"Your name sake, what does have to with us?"
She giggled and told him the story of her Auntie Elizabeth, "Jack my Aunt came to do this town just like I did she met a man named Wynn, who has lived coal valley for years and he himself was a Mountie my aunt and Wynn got married rather quickly after falling in love at the Mountie ball and my father his sister hardly seen each other after she married Wynn."
Jack sighs feeling heartbroken about Elizabeth's tale of her aunt and Wynn and he admits "Elizabeth we are not Elizabeth and Wynn, yes there might be similarities but we are not them and when the time is right Elizabeth and whenever you're ready to take the next step with me. I want to spend the rest of my life teaching you as you taught me to have in love that is able to overcome all obstacles"
Elizabeth got out from chair facing Jack and demanded, "Constable Jack Thornton if you are proposing marriage I suggest
you ask me properly." Standing tall but hope for Jack to get down one knee.
Jack's heart race he stood up from his chair and ask Elizabeth,
"And how does want to ask the woman he loves to marry him ?"
Elizabeth sits down surprise in his question after he did propose marriage once. So she told him,
Abigail unwilling does not what is going on as she heads downstairs to get some water she stop at the end of the stair to hear Elizabeth tell Jack.
"I'm surprise Jack, I know to propose marriage and didn't go well as you hoped, but something good came out it brought you here to me. I know this selfish today but I am Rosemary said no, because it brought me to you. Jack I know your proposal to be special but thing is every moment I have with you is special and I know you feel the same way. So please whenever your heart is ready and willing to ask me. I will be seating here waiting."

Abigail tries not to weep for joy for Elizabeth and Jack she knew this day would come but she prayed for Jack courage to soar asked Elizabeth for her hand.
Jack says nothing he walks towards her he get down on one knee by her side and he tells her " I don't have a ring" Jack said wanting propose but couldn't without or proper permission from her father.
Elizabeth told him, "It doesn't matter,"
Jack sighed "It matters to me, want do things right, ask for your father's permission give you a ring you deserve."

Abigail went back upstairs to find her engagement ring Noah gave her she was amaze after keep safe that it still glow and shine. She grasped on it place it over her heart and said out loud up to the heavens telling Noah,
"Noah, I love you, I will always, but this right symbol love and commitment. A commitment that my two friends who I love dearly want and giving Jack his ring is the right thing to do. And I hope that you accept my decision."
Abigail walks back downstairs sees Jack still one knee telling Elizabeth.
"Elizabeth, I love you I want to marry you spent the rest of my life with you."
Elizabeth knew something was coming, "But" Jack kisses assuring his love her by telling her
"But I want you to respect my wishes in waiting a bit longer, I promise you, Elizabeth thatcher I am going to marry and I will ask you someday but first Let me settle things first."
Elizabeth sighs touches his face strokes leans and kisses him, and said, "You are an honorable man, Jack Thornton, I love you and I respect your wishes"
Abigail looks at her engagement ring looks up knowing giving Jack the ring is the right thing to do. She walks back upstairs to wait for the right moment to give Jack the ring. Jack stand up kisses Elizabeth's forehead and then heads back to their dinner. They ended the night by Elizabeth walking Jack to the door they kissed good night. Elizabeth goes. Up stairs looks out the window to see walking home she looks up to starry sky to see and shooting star she closes her eyes and makes a wish and At the same moment Jack looks up at night sky to see the same shooting star closes his eyes and wishes for the same thing Elizabeth as they both say outline
"Dear lord, as I wished upon this shooting star that it is your will for us to make the dedication of our love by being husband and wife

Chapter 8 coming soon

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