Put your head on my shoulder

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TW: Very ambiguous mention of rape

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Amber Pov

As I was waiting in the waiting room of the abortion clinic I hear a oddly familiar voice it almost sounds like....𝗘𝘂𝗹𝗮, no way it's not actually Eula..Right? I look over to the receptionist and to my surprise I was right, it was Eula.

'No way...'

It takes me a minute but I decide to get up and greet her. I walk over seeing her on the phone with someone but then ending it with a quiet but loud enough to hear "Fuck off" I walk up to her and tap her shoulder

'Uh, Eula? Hey'

Eula whipped her head around and looked at me with widened eyes and her jaw dropped

"Amber!? No This can't- Please tell me you're here for someone else?"

'Haha I wish'

I chuckle softly and watch as  Eula begins to cry, she wraps me in a warm embrace and sobs into my hair

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you"

'It's okay Eula you probably wouldn't know he would do such a thing..'

"Who-...Who did it?"

I glance away uncomfortably and shuffle around a bit before mumbling 

"It was Kaeya.."

I felt myself start to tear up. I avoided eye contact with Eula out of shame and worry, I knew she was pretty close with Kaeya and I felt like she may not believe me. Just as I was gonna say something to break the silence Eula grabbed my arm and pulled me into a tight embrace, her head was on my shoulder and she was sobbing

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I-I knew he was having these types of feelings but I never knew he would act on them"

I was both shocked and angry. She knew? She fucking knew!? She knew that Kaeya was thinking about these things yet she still let me go to his motherfucking house!?!? I felt my blood boil at the sight of her crying, the one crying should be me! I was the one who was fucking taken advantage of! I shoved Eula away and sneered at her.

"Get away from me. I don't associate with someone who supports rapists. I'm leaving."

I turned away and began heading for the door of the clinic, I heard people whispering about us but I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of here and as far away as possible from Eula. I heard Eula trying to go after me and grab my arm but I pushed her away. I didn't wanna be near her, this clinic, Kaeya, or anyone! I went into the parking lot and got into my car and drove away. I decided to drive over to Lumine's place, I knew she'd be someone I'd be able to talk to..


As I pulled up to the gate of Lumine's mansion I stuck my head out the window and pressed the microphone on the gate doorbell

"Hey, It's Amber, is Lumine home?" I said into the microphone as I waited for an answer. No answer came but the gates opened and let me drive in. After parking my car in their garage I got out and went to the front door. I saw their maid, Noelle, standing at the door greeting me with a wide smile 

"Hello lady Amber, lady Lumine was about to invite you over but it seems you read her mind!" Noelle chuckled, I smiled and waved to her before entering the house. Even though it wasn't my first time here the main room was still as dazzling as when I did first saw it. Noelle led me up to Lumine's bedroom, as I entered I noticed that Lumine was sitting at her vanity brushing her hair. She was humming a tune, for some reason it sounded oddly familiar, or similar to something I've heard before. Suddenly an image flashed before my eyes, it was of a town but it looked kinda medieval and there was a girl in front of me, she was holding her hand out to me and smiling but for some reason I couldn't see her face clearly. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Lumine turned to me and called my name

𝓣𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓨𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 (AKA My "sweet" Bunny)Where stories live. Discover now