Chapter 1

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It was the summer of '09- oh wait nO WRONG FANBASE!

Waking up in your room to the summer heat, you stretched out your arms as you sat up in your bed. After you were done stretching, you hopped out of your bed and turned on your swag- I mean the fan that's right beside your bed. Blinking off the sleepiness in your eyes, you began to do your nOrMaL morning routine.

Brush teeth.
Wash face.
Apply ointment to pimples.
Apply three serums.
Apply toner.
Apply oil controlling cream.
Apply face moisturizing cream.
Eat a bit of vanilla ice cream.
Inhale the scent of the whipped cream without actually eating it because it already reminds you of the taste of vanilla.
Eat a bit of the whipped cream.
Throw away the goddamn ice cream because you realized that you f*cking bought the coconut-flavored one... third day in a row by now.

You whispered to yourself, "Ew, not again. F*cking bullsh*t." Then, you continued on with your "normal" morning routine.

Wipe off excess products on your face.
Fix hair.
Fix hair... again.
... No, not that way. Try again...?
Use the comb, I guess? No?
... Why do your hair must torture you so?


"I'm rage quit." You say to yourself while rolling your eyes at yourself in the bathroom mirror.

Use the toilet.
Eat breakfast.
Tidy up around your house a bit.
Change clothes.
Listen to music.
And finally, mentally prepare to go to a 12 P.M. Psychology class.

You checked your bank account quickly to make sure that you had enough money for lunch later on with your boyfriend. You died a little inside as you found out that there's only $1.11 left. With a frown appearing on your face, you grab your backpack as you make your way outside-

*dramatic boss music plays*

"HURRY UP, Y/N! WE'RE LATE!" Your boyfriend bursts open the door, tugging at your jacket. You looked at him with wide eyes and a confused expression on your face.

"Wait a minute, Antonio, it's 10:30 A.M. It's not even 12 yet." You told him while confusingly looking into his eyes?

*dramatic boss music stops*

"Oh... sorry, hon-bun." He dropped his hands from your jacket and awkwardly scratched his head while cheekily smiling at you.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: hi, reader! This was supposed to be published last year but I was too busy dealing with sh*tty bullsh*t from my life lmao. But I just wanted to post this forgotten piece of literature that I wrote last year just to finish it later. :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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