La Rogue ♉️

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Rogue is hands down one of the hottest women on Spoon. Everything about her is out of this world gorgeous. You could rest easy on her full pillowy lips alone. The beauty doesn't go to her head though considering she's down to earth (bc she's a Taurus) and funny as Hell. Of course her simps are many,m. However, on her quest for her one true love she has to kiss many leaping frogs. To name such a desperate frog, Osito, tried to give Rogue mucho besitos, but he was also giving kisses to other women on the side such as, the ever-present Yaya. Rappers and singers all over the world cannot stop singing of Yaya's glory to this day because of her efforts in thwarting heart-breaking fuck bois who are actually simps for pick me girls in disguise.

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