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" I mean .. I'm just coolin now , I've done that toxic shit for too long it's tiring " i said as I drunk my water . This girl got me high asfc and bout drunk asfc and all I know is I  just went on a whole ass rant spree about everything . " so you not gone let me whoop bro ass ? " moni said . " monii nooo its cool . I'm over it " i said . " you too bad to be going through all that shit frl . I'm glad you came to yo senses " moni said . " yea me too " i said as I looked at her . me and this girl has been talking for hours . I've got to know her in these little amout of Hours and so has she. " yall niggas still sitting here talking " London said . In these hours of us talking I also got to know London and riyah . They both coo asfc . i seen riyah keep eyeing yonni and i feel like they would be cute . " hey London " i said as I laughed . " shitt yall might as well marry eachother " riyah said . " see now you doing too much " moni said . I'm not a drinker and barely even a smoker so the only thing keeping me stable is this couch . my thoughts all over the place but I've been able to control them . " ion know if you know but Kendall and yonni left so you wit us shawt " London said . I looked at moni who was looking at me with her red low eyes , she scrunched her shoulders before looking back at riyah . " Mann yall Niggas is gone frl .. moni ass must've thought she said some shit meanwhile All she did was scrunch her damn shoulders . man cmon " riyah said as they walked away going to the car. Moni stood up grabbing all of her things before helping me up and holding my hand . " thankyou " I said .

" you hungry ? " Moni said causing me to look up from my phone . " yea " i said . " Watchu want ? " she said . " mmm .. chic-fl-a " I said . " aye pull up to chic-fil-a " moni said yelling over the music as London nodded her head . The rest of the car ride I just got off my phone and looked out the window . Being in the car while high/drunk dont fucking feel right .  " you good ? " Moni said as she put her hand on my thigh . " yea I'm okay " i said as I glanced at her and back out the window .

" just get me whatever you get " i said before answering my phone . " yes mom " I said . " Jordan came by .. he said he hadn't heard from you . he's in your room waiting for you to get here . are you okay ?!? " My mom said . " yes I'm okay mom .. I don't want to be Around him , can you tell him to leave please " I said . " sani don't be like that .. he love you and he's worried " she said . I rolled my eyes mentally . " mom stop trying to be the peace maker all the time .. I don't want to be with him . " I said . it's hard trying to get rid of a ex who painted their self to be this pure hearted person to your parents . " okay sani I will " she said . " okay thank you " i said before hanging up . I knew she wasn't going to do it which irritated me even more . " everything good gangsta ? " riyah said as she handing me and moni our food . "Yea I'm good , thank you " i said as I got my food out of the bag . As I looked over at moni her ass was slumped . " we gone take you home or you sliding with moni ? " London said. " moni don't live wit yall ? " I said . " nahh , bro got her own place " riyah said. i honestly didn't wanna leave her like this even tho this is probably her everyday life . but me personally , I didn't feel comfortable leaving her alone like this but I also didn't feel comfortable going to her house and I just met her but fuck it . " I'll go with her " i said . after I said that both London and Riyah looked at eachother . " it's not even like that yall get on my nerves " i said as I ate my food . 

" moni get up we at yo house " as I grabbed her and my things while London and riyah got her ass out the car . " Igh you got it from here lil one " riyah said as she chuckled before they both walked out . I rolled my eyes before locking the door . the place was nice asfc . It was a little condo with the view of the city , trendy furniture n shit but It fitted her a lot and i liked it. as I walked down the hall that had a empty room , her room I assumed and a bathroom connected I went back to the living room before waking her up . once she finally woke up I helped her get to her room and as soon as she layed down she was out again . as I looked in one of the closets I found a throw over blanket and a pillow. As I walked to the kitchen I accidentally bumped into something which made glass fall on the floor . " fuck " I said to myself as I grabbed the broom . as I looked up I seen moni with something tucked in the front of her pants . " oh shit girl you scared the fuck out of me frl " she said as she rubbed her eye . " I'm sorryyy " i said as I swept the class . " when we get here ?  " she said as she sat on the couch . " like a hour ago " i said as I walked over sitting next to her . " thankyou for staying with me . I really appreciate that " she said as I nodded and handed her a water bottle . " I see you live here alone " i said . " yeaa just me . You was gone sleep on the couch cause I really don't mind sleeping here you can take the bed " she said . " who said I was staying ?? " I said as I looked at her with raised eyebrows . " well shit my bad .. you got a ride coming or sum ? " she said . " nah I'm playing .. I'll sleep on the couch it's fine " i said . " hell nah I ain't letting you sleep on no damn couch " she said as she got up going into the living room closet . " imma bring you some clothes " she said as I nodded .

as she gave me the oversized shirt and boxers I went to the bathroom getting ready to shower .

3:12 am

as I came out of the bathroom I walked the living room seeing moni sleep on the couch . I shook my head at the fact that her ass don't listen as I walked to her room getting ready to go to sleep.

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