【08】Someone's Words

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Every laughter coming out of Azeal, taking Kamoor to the edge. He was so enraged. The sound of his grinding teeth was resonating in his mind. Nerves became visible; reflecting his anger. His scowl became deeper.

A sudden breeze passed by there, it elevated the dust and let it suspended in the air. It caressed Kamoor's face, rustling and whistling sounds were symphonizing in his ears. It drifted his mind away from those emotions; allowing him some time to think calmly.

He let out a sigh, eyes looking deeply plunged into thoughts. He pondered....

'Keeping distance doesn't throw him at disadvantage since his is a long-range combater. I don't think I should do hand-to-hand combat since his Urjah blast can also be a headache. Tch!.... I have to quickly come up with a plan before it gets too late for me.'

Azeal yawned that made his eyes teary. But there was also a strange glint in his eyes. That was clearly telling - I WILL NOT LET MY GAURD DOWN!

He was staring at Kamoor's eyes. Those eyes were emanating a sense of determination. He scoffed as he thought to himself.

'He is staring at me like a hawk. Whatever he is thinking right now doesn't matter as long as I end this before he starts casting higher level spells.'

His eyebrows slightly came closer, He held his arm up, his sleeve began to sway but it got impeded by Kamoor's voice.

"LET'S FINISH THIS NOW!" Book suspended into the air and slid up to his eyes. It ruffled through the pages and stopped when it found the right spell. It shone blue causing his eyes to gleam as well. He chanted a spell. "Poh 'E' Ven"

SOMETHING DOESN'T SEEMS RIGHT! Azeal quickly moved his eyes to every corner possible. Air currents flew by him jostling his way ahead. When it reached to Kamoor it nether to his legs. It ensrounded him and seized the dust up. Those currents were mirroring Kamoor's movements.

From a distance, it seemed as if they were dancing, becoming one gradually. Azeal was struggling to lift his eyes up. The vortex before him affecting the surroundings. Even their clothes were furling heavily. It obscured his vision, the more he tried to peer the more dust got into his eyes. It also took the leaves and twigs into its clutches.

Azeal didn't want to lose any chance. THIS IS WHAT HE WAS AFRAIDING OF; a high level spell. He vented his Urjah out that let the gale around him to propel. A pearlescent fluid began bubbling in the air behind Azeal.

It hardened at visible pace and took a form of that SAME DISC! And this time, THEY WERE FOUR! As their teeth rotated it propelled the the air more forward, set the air around him in different motion.

Both air currents were resisting each other. There was tint of different colours in those currents; golden for Azeal and blue for Kamoor. They were representing their Urjah.

Those blades rocketed in unison letting out a sharp whistling sound. Azeal's face was all smug reflecting his confidence. Beneath his feet, ground egested another disc. It was unimaginable in size from the rest. As it hardened, it let him rested his feet on it. It elevated a bit from the ground and began hovering. When its teeth rotated it let out blend of screeching and grinding sounds.

He sighed a satisfied breathe; VICTORY WOULD BE MINE. But that smug didn't last long, he realised.....

'I didn't even get a reaction from my attack..... Did they get him or not? '

His eyes got astoundingly wide then twisted into a glare when he realised Kamoor's motive.

Gale settled down, ensued the dust to stroll there. He peered at Kamoor's silhouette in the midst of that dust cloud.

It was so silent now, everything was calm and serene except him. He got so engrossed peering through the dust. When he encountered strips flying out the dust, all of the sudden, he got flinched.

Those strips were blue tailored with incantations. They strangled around his neck and other limbs as well. And all this happened in brisk that made it hard for him to do even a brief movement.


SO THIS WAS KAMOOR'S PLAN! He went down all that trouble just to hide his location from Azeal. He was so confident till now, he knew that whenever Kamoor chanted a spell he would definitely locate him. But what he didn't know was that the basic spell doesn't need chanting; those spells could activate on its own by releasing small amount of Urjah.

He was tussling so hard to free himself from those strips. But they tightened more on his every tussle. He scoffed, all his crease flew from his face. WHAT'S THE SUDDEN CHANGE?

His lips formed a smile; mischievous smile. If he followed strips' direction he could pin Kamoor's location. But again, that smile didn't last long. His eyes raised up, eyebrows frowned.

A PEBBLE? A pebble threw out from that dust cloud. BUT WHY PEBBLE? A TINY, SMALL MERE PEBBLE?

All those questions were running into Azeal's mind as well. He was so confused.
PERPLEXED! He got so fixed at it physically and mentally as well. A sudden skittt sound distracted him. His eyes got wide getting astonished!

IT WAS KAMOOR! He knee-slid beneath Azeal's hovering disc. NOW LOOK WHO'S HOLDING THE SMUG!

Kamoor stole the smug from Azeal and wore it on his face. He was able to distract Azeal successfully. BUT, DID HE USE ANOTHER BASIC SPELL TO ENHANCE HIS SPEED? Even Sierra couldn't warn Azeal about that.

All the strips got dispersed into the air. Azeal let out a faint cough, his breathe became heavy. But his freedom didn't last long, rapidly more srips flew toward him. They tangled around him and got tightened. Kamoor yanked him closer and was about to give his final blow....

BUT..... BUT! but something wavered him. He sensed a heat gradually approaching closer; and even getting brighter. He envisioned Azeal as a sun; glowing warm sun. He was confused, HOW?

His mind couldn't comprehend, maybe he never saw something like this before; that's why.

But it was real. Azeal's skin was shining, glowing golden. Not only that, his eyes and mouth were also radiating shiny golden rays. When they both were just a breathe away to collide with each other, only then Azeal blasted off his accumulated Urjah.

And Kamoor got caught off guard. The Urjah rippled across every corner. It ensued a gale causing the surroundings to bend with Urjah's flow. Kamoor and Azeal fell repelling back from each other.

And it all turned black, Kamoor could only sense himself knocking over with a thud.

No more spells, no more chanting. In his head all that reverberating was someone's words...

"The one, who makes the other person bleed, will be the winner. Of course the one who loses will have to face consequences."


The spar gets over, will Kamoor's dream get over with this defeat?

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