【32】Her Illusion Spell

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Ivaan patted the dust off his clothes. A smirk etched on his face as he gazed at Sierra.

"You were urjahless....How..." Sierra's wide-opened eyes were set on him. The blood was dripping down from her shoulder.

He laughed, shaking his head gradually. "You kingdom people are really so idiot. We're just skilled enough to surpress our urjah."

"We?" Her wide-opened eyes took form of a death glare. "Where's Tehran?"

"Don't worry about him, you will soon find out." He stroked his chin. "Hmmm.....If you are still here that means our spellcaster's spell didn't work on you."

"What spell?" Her eyes were flaming with anger.

"With her illusion spell, she can trapped people into a dream, for eternity. That way, those who trapped inside her dreams are cease to exist in reality." He tapped on his chin. "Am I forgetting something? Oh yeah! She can also control them like a puppet."

Sierra scoffed. "If I were you, I won't reveal my comrade's skills, like an idiot."

His lips gradually formed a mischievous smile. "I don't see any harm revealing all this to a person who is just going to die."


Kamoor's steps were racing toward the cell chamber. That run came to end when the cell chamber came into his view. He walked down the staircase to underground cell chamber. The flambeaus which were set on both sides of the walls were torching the way.


"Father!" He darted toward the cell, following the voice.

Manzu was clung to the gate holding it's bars. His hands were fastened with a silver manacle. When Kamoor came before his eyes he began to sob internally.

"Didn't I tell you, how happy I am to see you here?"

"Father! Mister Adijha was behind all those mid-night attacks, he turned our people against you, just to throw you into cell. He made the civilians disappeared, including mother... Azeal's mother and father, Sierra's father too....." Kamoor was planning to babble more in one breath but Manzu interjected him.

He examined Kamoor's condition from head to toe. "What in the world.....Adijha did this to you?" Nerves began to pop up on his forehead getting fume, noticing the scrapes and burnt traces on Kamoor's body.

"Get me out from here." Manzu said in a cold tone.

"Wait." Kamoor placed his hand on the latch, he froze it to such an extent that the latch got crumbled in pieces.

The first thing Manzu did after stepping out of the cell was embraced Kamoor warmly.

Kamoor got surprised a bit. His eyes turned wide for a while.

"I swear father, I am fine."

"My suspicion turned out to be true."

Kamoor freed himself from his arms. He frowned looking at him. "What do you mean?"

"When Adijha came here, I don't know why, but I felt something off about him, I felt a strange urjah coming from him. Then, whenever I tried to cure the victims, I felt that same urjah around them too. I informed this to Zior, later he sent Hanroh to East Warrior Kingdom to know if Adijha really stayed there. After that........."

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