【38】From Scavenger To Thief

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Following chapter contains explicit language, depictions of violence and abuse. Readers discretion is advised.


That day I felt like I was the happiest person alive in the world. The day when I found out that I have the ability to use the urjah. A book came to existence before my eyes, a blue spellbook with golden border.

My father was a drunken, he sold many things from our house just for some booze. He used to beat me and my mother. Her scrawny slender arms weren't strong enough to fight against him, so we accepted our fate without raising our voices against him.

My life might be a mess but that day I was very happy.

I still remembered when I rushed to my mother just to tell her that I am spellcaster. I thought she would be happy just like me.

But my fate had other plans for me...

"Mother, look I am a spellcaster."

"Don't let this name out of your mouth again. Don't you dare to become like those kingdom people."

She thundered her voice at me. She slapped me so hard that a red hand mark got printed on my cheek. She sobbed and held me between her cold slender arms. Her body was a mass of bruises.

"I am sorry, Tehran but mother just wants you to keep safe. Don't tell about this to your father."

I didn't utter a word that day but deep down I wanted to improve her condition....Our family's condition. I decided to practice casting spells behind my parents' back.

But one day.......

"So now you both begin to hide things from me. Huh?"

My father found out, he beat me and mother without showing any mercy as if we were nothing but a dead meat for him. I got swollen black eye from his punches.

He yanked mother's hair and kept punching on her face. But her scrawny slender body couldn't fight against him. She wailed, cried, groaned but he didn't stop. Blood was blobbing down from her face. Even when father's fist got drenched with her blood, he didn't stop.

"You slut, trying to hide things from me. I fed you both, gave you shelter and in return you both deceived me."

I could sensed the pain in her yelling and shrieking. So why couldn't he sense it? He was nothing but an animal who just knew to throw kicks and punches at us. I had gotten tired of this everyday's mess. That day, I raised my voice.....

"Stop it, father." I rose up to my feet. Held my spellbook.

"Come again, you prick." He pushed mother away that sent her back to bang with a ragged wooden table. She frantically clenched his leg as she whimpered.

"Please, beat me all you want but please I am begging you, leave Tehran out of this."

Father shook her hand away from his leg and spat on her. "Just stay where you are, bitch. I'll deal with you later." He began to charge toward me with a menace look on his face.

I clenched my spellbook tightly. He groped my face and yanked my hair. I wailed but that didn't sway his heart a little. He began to slap me over and over and over again, endlessly with brutality.

"You're just like your father, an asshole. A useless spellcaster who died in the war and then....she came to me whom she had rejected before, carrying you in her arms." He horsed a laugh.

I grinded my teeth getting fume. My blood was boiling in my veins. Tracery of red veins were begun to spread onto my eyeballs. That was the day when my spellbook hovered before my eyes. It shone blue as I recited the spell for the first time. I didn't have the slightest idea what a spell could do to a person.

"Feromis Pofemoris!"

Many icy spikes sprung up out of the floor and impaled through my father's body. He died at sight. His hands' grip got loosed. Blood was blobbing out his mouth. A pool of his blood was expanding beneath his feet. My face turned pale as sheet when I realised, I ended up killing the man who wasn't even my father all along.

Shock had also made my mother's face pale as if blood had drained from her face. Her eyes left opened wide. She scooted back gaping at me.

"What have you done? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!" Tears begun to streak down on her cheeks. "I told you to saty away from that book, why can't you just listen to your mother for once? If villagers come to know about this, they will kill you."

She came to me crawling on her knees. She embraced me tightly. "I can't protect you now."

She pressed my shoulder and looked at me. Her eyes were glistening with tears. "Run, Tehran. Run as far as you can and don't even try to come back. RUN!"

That was the last time I saw my mother. I ran away and didn't even think about to look back. I travelled for days, my body had become thin, bones had become visible under my skin. Tattered rags weren't enough to warm me in those cold nights. My scraped wrinkled lips begged for a drop of water.

When my hunger grew out of control, I began to scavenge from the garbage. In those days I hadn't spoken to a person until I met him, my first friend, my first brother.....


At first he tried to chase me away but I persistently stuck with him. And then he accepted me as his friend. I told him that how I hadn't been befriended with anyone in my entire life. He also told me about his sister and how she died.

Our bond became strong as the time passed. And from scavenger I had become a thief. We began to pick pockets and started to steal. Cold nights, hunger weren't there in my life anymore. Even my thin body had gained some flesh. My life had become so much better than earlier and I made up my mind that wherever he would take me, I would go with him. I might had betrayed my parents but.....

"I will never betray you, Ivaan."


Flashback of Tehran's life

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