【13】The Masked Man

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*Round-Kick: - A kick made with a wide sweep of the leg and rotation of the body.


"Punishment? Punishment? PUNISHMENT!! Why I am getting a punishment if I didn't do anything wrong."

Sierra was walking a little ahead of Kamoor and Azeal in enrage. She was continuously complaining animatedly while walking. Behind her, both guys were just walking sulkily with their body slouched.

They were wandering in a dense forest, there were twigs laid on the ground. Grass had covered the clay-like soil; thick tall trees were cloaked with moss. Shaggy leaves were preventing the sun rays from entering into the forest.

Kamoor whispered sulkily. "She's looking really upset about this; I think we should calm her down."

Azeal replied. "Go and give a try."

Kamoor started moving to her little faster. "Sierr-"

She turned her face to him and glowered. "WWWHHAATTT!!!"

He broke out in cold sweat as if he sensed a murdering aura from her. "NOTHING MAM!!"

He went back to Azeal sobbingly. "Is it me or she really grow some fangs and her voice sounds like an ogre."

Azeal replied confidently with his chest puffed. "No it's just your imagination............." He started sweating. ".........Probably."

He got back to his sulkily state. "Woaah! That was very honest reply."

Azeal looked at him with wide glittering eyes. "REALLY!"

"NNNOO!" He shouted infuriately.

Azeal put his arm around Kamoor's shoulder. "Relax. Get used to her anger now, because you'll get to see this more from time to time."

He looked away. 'Now I am starting to have second thoughts, why I joined this Training Place?' He sighed and started to recall why they were wandering here, in this dense forest.


"I am sure you all are aware of Nardi Forest."

All three of them nodded in tension. "Hmm....Hmm."

"I heard that there is a flower which has long purple whitish petals and that rare flower only found in Nardi Forest. Many believed that it has an ability to cure any disease and plague."

"What's this all have to do with our punishment." Sierra asked.

"All you guys have to do is bring that flower to me."

Kamoor stroked his chin and thought to himself. 'It doesn't sound like a punishment it's more like an important task or a mission.'

Azeal shook his head. "Don't tell me you get this information by overhearing people's conversation, Guru Hanroh."

Hanroh devilishly smiled looking at Azeal. "I got a separate punishment for you."

Azeal showed thumbs up to him. "I AM OKAY WITH THIS PUNISHMENT!!" He hurriedly grabbed Sierra's and Kamoor's wrist and ran from there as fast as he can. "WE WILL BRING THAT FLOWER TILL NOON!!" He shouted from the distance.


Kamoor looked around and sighed with his head down. 'Half an hour has passed and we still haven't found that flower. Does a flower like that really exist?'

Azeal sat on a big boulder that was sank into clay-like soil. He crossed his arms. "I don't have to do all this since I am a royalty." He got up and looked away. "I am going back."

He thought to himself. 'This is the only way to escape from this situation.' He internally laughed evilly.

Kamoor furiously went to him and kicked his butt so hard that Azeal fell headlong.



Sierra ran to Kamoor in all rage and punched his face. Kamoor glared at her with teary-eyed. "WHY YOU PUNCHED ME!!"


Azeal ran to her with all teary-eyed. "Sierrrraaaa....Thaaaannkk Yooo-"

Sierra punched his face too. "SHUT UP I AM NOT IN A MOOD RIGHT NOW!!"

Kamoor looked away and whispered. "You hit him too."

She glowered at him. "DID YOU SAY SOMETHING!!"

Kamoor and Azeal hugged and comfort each other sobbingly. "No Mam."

She hurriedly glanced at the branch of the tree as if she sensed someone standing there.

A man was standing on the branch. He wore a white hood-robe and mask. He crossed his arms and kept staring at them.

"Who are you? I never saw you in this Kingdom." Sierra asked with a scowl on her face.

He didn't utter a word; he just tilted his head looking at them.

Azeal pointed at him. "Oye! Are you deaf or something?"

All three of them moved a little as if someone pushed them.

Kamoor frowned. "Azeal, something sticks on your back." He went to him and pulled off the paper which was stuck on his back. "Something written on it- You look more like a clown than a prince."


"A paper is also sticks on your back Kamoor -You good for nothing spellcaster." Sierra said, she started guffawing.


Kamoor and Azeal looked at her and exchanged creepy grin to each other. They moved behind her.

They both read. "Your face is like wild boar."


The masked man laughed mutely holding his tummy.

Kamoor thought to himself. 'Is he mute or he just deliberately laughing silently?'

All three of them glared at the masked man. Sierra clenched her fist and thought. 'He is incredibly fast, and he is good at keeping his Urjah low. Who the hell is he?

Kamoor gritted his teeth. "If you not gonna tell us who you are and what are you doing here then I have to try again in a different way." Book holster unhooked, started glowing blue and hovered in front of his eyes. "Roar Of Wind: -"

The masked man jumped from the branch and landed his knee on Kamoor's face before he chant a spell.

Kamoor thought to himself. 'He didn't let me chant the whole spell.'

"Kamoor...." Azeal glared at the masked man ".....You wretch." He sprinted toward them. The masked man glanced at him, as Kamoor was about to collapse the masked man grappled his wrist and threw him at Azeal.

Azeal froze being astonished looking at Kamoor coming at him in bullet-like speed. They both dragged away.

Sierra eyes bugged out "KAMMOR! AZEAL!" The masked man appeared behind her instantly. As she was about to turn he jumped and landed a *Round-Kick on side of her neck. She fell three-four steps away from him.

The masked man sat on his toes and stared at them.


An enemy appeared out of nowhere, the search has turned into a battle.

Let's do a little exercise today, keep moving your finger ahead until it touches that star icon.

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