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Adhija.......if anyone of you forgot, I would like to remind you that you all heard this name before in CHAPTER 06 - BOOKWORM MEETS BEGGAR.


Kamoor was heading back to library. He was walking with his arms folded behind his head. His body was covered with bruises and dried blood.

His head was still filled with all the things that happened at Nardi Forest.

'So this kind of training Warriors do' He smiled.'

He clenched his fist. 'I still have long way to go.'

A sound of slap echoed into his head as he remembered the scenario when Azeal slapped Sierra.

'They both truly care about each other.' His warm smile turned into creepy one as he thought to himself. 'I think they love each other.' He chortled.

His thoughts were gone from his mind when he heard someone said -


A man in his thirties was standing in front of Kamoor. He was stroking his long black-brownish beard with one hand and was pointing a finger at Kamoor with the other.

He squinted at him, his brown eyes were staring at him.

Kamoor swung his eyeballs left and right. "Me?"

"How did you get here?"

"Me - Are you talking...-" Kamoor looked left and right to assure himself that the man was certainly pointing at him.

As as soon as he looked forward he got astonished to find the man standing close to his face.

Kamoor's eyes opened-wide. 'When did he....I couldn't even sense him.'

"Are you lost little girl?" Man stroked his chin.

Kamoor's jaw dropped. "Huh? Huuhhh!!!! Are you serious?"

"A girl should not walk alone this late at night."

Kamoor quickly looked upward getting frustrated. "It's bright sunny day!!! You should get your eyes checked. From which angle do I look like a girl to you?"

Man patted on Kamoor's shoulder and gave a serious look to him. "Oh! My bad...My bad, I should respect you more since you are a ... transgender."

Kamoor pulled up his sleeve. "Don't complaint about it later when you will get hurt." He clenched man's collar

Kamoor was about to punch the man then a familiar voice was heard in his ear.


He noticed that Sierra running toward them.She reached to them ."I was looking for you, father." Sierra siad worriedly.

She looked at Kamoor. "What are you doin'?"

Kamoor's gaze fell on the Man's collar. He giggled, politely adjusted the collar.

"This handsome looking man is your father...HE-HE-HE!"

"Father, how many times I told you to not roam like this alone." She said concernedly. She tried to hold his hand but he slapped her hand away.

"Stay away! You witch...want me to just keep inside those walls."

She took a step forward and smiled. "Father-"

"Stay away I said.....Sta-Stay Awa-Away...From me..." He was starting scratching all over his body. He suddenly stopped scratching and collapsed.

Kamoor looked at her concernedly. "Oye! Is he alright?"

Sierra did a face palm and sighed. She smoothed her hair with both hands. "He is okay, he black-out like this whenever he feel stressed."

She got on her toes. "He is not mentally stable. He has been like this since the day my mother passed away."

She was about to pull her father up then suddenly Kamoor said-

"Wait, let me do this." He got on his toes, aiming his back to her father.

"No, I will do this myself."

"C'mon! You helped me today in training so let me help you too."

She didn't utter a word to this and Hanroh's words rushed into her head........

"............... You were good, but do not just think about Azeal in a battle. I hope you get what I mean ..................."


"Sierra? I am waiting."

She looked away. "Okay, only this time."

He toothily grinned. "Okay Okay."

She placed his father's arms over Kamoor's shoulders. Kamoor reached straight his back with his arms underneath her father's legs and slowly raised him.

"Thank you Kamoor."

He cackled. "No need to than-"

"I am sorry." Her eyes became saddened.

"Wha- For what?"

"I didn't help you even for once at Nardi Forest."

"Why this thought come to your mind? Ofcourse you helped me. You listened to me and didn't fight back even though you could. You waited for us....thanks for trusing me." He tooothily grinned.

She cracked a warm smiled and looked away.


"Huh? Hhhuhhhhh!!!"


A Front Gate guard man was running to the Castle. He desperatedly making the way through the people so, he could reach at the castle as quickly as he can.

He reached at the entrance of the Castle. The guard who was at guard at the entrance stopped him.

"If you are here for His Highness then let me tell you he is not interested in boys."


A senior guard came there. "Shin, how many times I told you not every man comes here for prince."

Front Gate guard man frowned. "We have men here in Kingdom who is interested in His Highness."

Senior Guard cleared his throat. "And you came here for....."


When senior guard man heard the news he ran straight to King. He entered in The Great Hall.

As soon as he found King standing there with Manzu he quickly knelt down. "Blessings and Glory upon the Splendor of the Warrior Empire."

"Stand up."

"His Majesty....Adhija Samaye.....He has...Adijha Samaye has returned to his home."


The news of Adijha's arrival has reached to the King's ears.

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