【19】Witch Or Spellcaster

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The Meeting Hall was filled with the indistinct chattering of the nobles. Worry lines were there on everyone's forehead.

"The news is true?"

"I know, it's hard to believe."

"So they finally decided to show themselves."

"Damn those witches....."

"What's the harm then, let's kill the rest of the witches who were saved during the war."

"Easier to say than done."

"Yeah! Let's show them what we Warriors are made of."

"Oye! Didn't you hear me? IT'S EASIER TO SAY THAN DONE."

Amidst in the hustle-bustle of the nobles, there were two men standing calmly.

"Look what have you done here, Adijha."

"I didn't know that this news will make this much of a commotion."

Hanroh furiously pulled Adijha close to him. "Who told you to tell them?"

Adijha started looking around as if he was looking for someone then suddenly he looked at Hanroh. "You."

Hanroh swung his eye-balls left right agitatedly. "Me....What do you mean....me?" He said softly but angrily.

"If His Majesty asks - who told you to tell these men?.... I will take your name, Hanroh." He said softly but politely.

"You and your silly jok-"

"The Splendor of the Warrior Empire is coming!!"

The Warrior at the door said this as he saw Zior approaching the Hall. As always he wasn't alone, his bodyguard Aslan was with him.

Both of them entered the Hall. All men who were there knelt down before him. "Glory and blessing upon the Splendor of the Warrior Empire." All said in unison.

"Stand up."

All nobles stood up and were staring at Zior with worry in their eyes as they were asking - 'what's going to be your step for this unexpected situation?'

He looked at everyone's faces in one glance. He gradually closed his eyes. 'How are you going to calm them down, Zior?'

"His Majesty....."

Zior looked at the men to know who was calling him. As soon as he realised that everyone was staring behind him, he turned around.

Manzu was toothily grinning standing at the door. "I apologize for my late arrival."

Zior furrowed. "You always get late whenever I...." He cleared his throat. ".......we needs you the most."

Manzu moved inside. "My apologies, I was investigating while everyone was looking for solution from you."

All nobles questioned him getting hesitated. "Inve....INVESTIGATING?"

"Yes, my dear fellows. I was at the scene, at the front gate. Didn't this question come to your mind that why the witches only attacked us?"

"What do you mean?" One of the nobles asked.

"Witches show themselves after 16 years, after 16 years they came, attacked us and whoosh.....disappeared. If she wanted to show her existence to us with a dramatic entry then why she disappeared, leaving our men alive. Why they only chose to attack us? I am sure witches don't want attention, do they? "

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