I hate running

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Today I was at track practice, and usually I throw discus. But today this nigga Whitfield over here sayin oh Mikaiya you gonna run today. I'm over like whhyyyy. He said I look like a runner....
Bitch I'm a eater, the fuck.

So I'm warming up and he got some random dude coaching us while he was with the sprinters. We supposed to be doing short distances, this dude over here talking bout running a mile and a half. Run half a lap jog the rest.

It sound easy but that shit was HARD. I got two laps in and I had to stop, I was getting dizzy and shit, and my friends Summer got a heart disease, I'm pretty sure she died half way through. But we didn't even get a brake, this nigga was a savage.

After all that we have to do weight lifting. A had noodle arms I could barley lift 45 and I usually lift 90. But we were doing this one lift I forget what it's called, but as soon as I lifted up Mr.Abnee is hollering at me "keep it on your legs" even though it was. I put my head down once while lifting then here he goes hooping and hollering once again "why you putting your head down" like nigga leave me alone.

Right now I'm taking an ice bath, and me sister just gave me a foot rub. But dang I ain't going to track tomorrow, twos on that (yung poppy reference though)

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