I just cant

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So this week my niece came over (and before you say it she's 11 im 15, im not some creepy old lady ok) but i introduced her to wattpad, mainly because she wanted to know what i was doing, blah blah blah and so forth.

But i told her about reading a book called 'The Gang Life' which i have mentioned before, and 'Gang Wars' (btw the sequel is so much better). So she makes an account and all and started following me so i followed her back, and then i got a notification today saying that she updated 'Street Gang'.

First of all the title doesn't make any sense, but that may be just me. But I read the first chapter and im like its us exactly like The Gang Life, and Gang Wars put together.

She basically copied The Gang Life. She has a gun as the book cover (but its animated). She used four of the characters names from the gang life. The main characters in both books act exactly the same. She even made one of the characters in her book, annoying like Trevor in the gang life.

Honestly she should have just copied the book word for word. The unoriginality (I think that's a word) is uncanny. I just can't, I really can't.

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