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'What are you doing?! We don't practice it here!' Sarah yelled at Leila, when she went with tray full of beers to some customers which were watching a football match. Leila ignored her.
'Here is ours queen!' Welcomed her one of them and the rest cheered.
'Anything else?' she asked. In the same time their team scored. She jumped when she heard their burst of joy.
'You are our lucky charm! Drinks all round! On me!’
Leila smiled.
'Did you heard it boys! - she shouted to Phil and Kenny. - Drinks for all!'
She jumped behind a counter where everybody crowded.
'You are not a bartender! - Sarah came to Leila. - Go to wash... '
'Sorry Sarah - Phil intruded. - We need her here. You have to manage washing on your own.' Leila made a goofy face and went back to customers.
All night was busy. Last customers left 4am.
'I'm dying' Leila said when she jumped on the bar counter. Kenny and Sarah went home already and she was helping Phil with cleaning.
'Yeah, I don't remember when it was so busy... ' He sat next to the counter and put his hand on her thigh. 'You were great today' he said. She just smiled.
'Be careful' she warned him. 'Sarah won't be happy with such a compliments.'
Phil raised his eyebrow and Leila laughed.
'Oh my God... You didn't notice?!  She is so into you!'
'Really? - he asked. - She is not my type.'
'But you are definitely her' she said and jumped of the counter. She wanted to go but Phil suddenly caught her in half and kissed her neck. She giggled. He turned her around and seated her back on the counter. His hands were resting on her hips. He looked deep into her eyes.
'Be my manager' he said. Leila started laughing.
'Nice! First day and you already wanna get into my bed by promoting me?'
'Let's say I'm desperated' he whispered. Leila moved her face closer to him.
'I didn't know you like that Mr Hawkins - she answered. - that is really inappropriate.'
'Then I guess you have to report me.'
Leila couldn't help herself and smiled.
'Go to sleep - she laughed. - You are talking bulshit.' She pushed gently his head and jumped out of the counter. They went to sleep.

Leila woke up with terrible headache. She got the feeling that something annoying was ringing in her ears before she understood that it was her phone. She took it and started pressing randomly all over the screen.
'How to switch off this fucking alarm?' she growled.
'This is not alarm' the known voice answered from the speaker.
'Jake? What time is it?' she mumbled and looked on the phone. It was 6am.
'What the fuck, Jake?'
'I am sorry Leila but this is highly important.'
'I just fell asleep... '
'I am sorry' he repeated.
'Alright! - she leand on her elbows. - What is so important?'
'I am watching records from the city monitoring and I can assume that Alan is still in town.'
Leila jumped out of the bed. She was so awaken after this news.
'Where is he? Can we get him?'
'No clue - Jake said. - I do not know yet where he is hiding. But Leila... - his voice broke a little - be careful please. I have a bad feelings.'
'Don't worry brainiac - she tried to sound confident but the truth was she was so scared right now. - I am always careful!'
As soon as she said that, she slipped on the floor and fell down with squick on her lips.
'I'm fine' she mumbled.

It was nearly opening hours at Aurora. Kenny, Sam and Sarah prepared last things. Phil went for supplies. Leila and the bunch were sitting on the couches.
'How it is possible that no one saw him?' Jessy asked. She couldn't believe what is happening. Leila raised her shoulders.
'I don't know but if he is still somewhere around it means he is planning something.' She was worried and tired. She didn't back to sleep after Jake called her in the morning so cans with energy drinks were stacked at her hand all day.
'Maybe you will move you ass finally and help us?' she heard behind her. Sarah was standing with her arms crossed on her chest and looked at Leila angrily.
'Maybe you should focus on your job and not worry about mine?' Leila answered sharply. She was tired and sleepy and she didn't want to admit but she was scared about her friends and herself. It was a dangerous combination of emotions. Sarah bent over her.
'We won't be doing all of the job including yours! You might mess with Phil's head but I know exactly what type you are.'
'Hey, this is my brother and my friend you are talking about!' Jessy shouted but Leila cut her off with gesture of her hand. She stood up and looked deep in Sarah's eyes.
'I don't care what you think about me, but as a your manager I strongly advise you to go back to your duties or I will have to look closer if you are the right person for this job.'
Sarah stayed speechless. For a very long second she didn't know how to respond. Finally she snorted.
'You as a manager. Funny. Even if... Phil would never let you fired me' she responded but her voice wasn't so confident anymore.
'Try me' Leila said quietly. They looked at each other but in the end Sarah gave up. She turned around and went to the bar counter where Kenny was cleaning glasses. They exchanged couple words and both of them came to Leila. Sarah stayed behind, proud of yourself and Kenny didn't look happy.
'What is this bullshit about you being a manager?' he asked.  'Phil said nothing.'
'Yet' they heard before Leila could respond. All of them looked in that direction. Phil was standing with his car keys as he just arrived.
'I wanted tell you today' he said. 'Leila can you help me?'
She stood up and went with him to the car. They both jumped in.
'Can you explain me what exactly happened?' he asked. He was upset a little and she was irritated.
'You wanted me to be a manager' Leila responded. She didn't look at him and didn't like the way he talked to her.
'Yeah, but you refused it. You can't change your mind every time when someone is pissing you off!'
'So why you told them I am a manager?!'
'What I supposed to do?!'
They start shouting at each other. It was their first argument and they both felt bad with that. But they were too stubborn to back out.
'You know what?! I've got enough!' Leila opened car door. 'You are all the same! I quit! Tell Sarah she can kiss my ass but I think she would prefer kiss yours!' She got out and slammed the door. She was aggrieved and tired. She ran fast to her room and closed the door. She just realized she's crying. It was matter of the time until she fell asleep.

'You should apologize her.' Jessy tried to talk to her brother. It was quiet today so they closed earlier. The Hawkins siblings were talking next to the entrance. Jake sat on the couch and was watching city monitoring again and Sarah stood behind the counter.
'This is really not your business Jessy' Phil sighed. He didn't wanted talk with his sister about what happened.
'You weren't here!' she continued. 'Sarah deserved...'
'Jessy, please' he cut her off. In meantime Sarah joined them.
'Phil can we talk?' she asked. Jessy sent her angry look but she said nothing.
'Yeah, let's go' Phil and Sarah moved back to the counter.

Leila woke up suddenly. She cried. Her eyes were swollen and she couldn't breathe. She got to the window and opened it. She tried to calm down. She saw the fire in her dream again. And again went through all of this nightmare. She went to the bar, she had to talk to Phil. When she got there she heard voices of Phil and Sarah and she just stopped behind the corner.
'You have to get rid of her' Sarah nearly yelled. 'She will ruin your business.'
Phil said nothing. Just crossed his arms on his chest a listened. Leila got a deja vu and she had bad feeling about it.
'She is ignorant, avoids her duties, steals.'
'Ok, it's enough' he cut her off. 'I know you don't like her but... '
'No, just look! It is her belt pack. I saw how she sneaked here and took some money. Just check it.'
Leilas's heart started beating faster. She knew what will happen now. He will say 'ok, I will take care of it' and then he will come to talk to her. He will tell her she has to stay out of his business and stay home, wherever it is. He will explain her that better for everyone is when she is not messing his relations with the crew because they have to be dream team and she is ruining it. And in the end he will ask her why she didn't ask him about the money instead of stealing. She started shaking.
Phil opened the belt pack and saw all of today's earnings. He pursed his lips and then started speak with calm but firm voice.
'I don't believe Leila took this money.'
Leila almost felt down. She was relieved so much. She was dizzy.
'I can understand that you don't like each other but I will not stand false accusations Sarah.'
'Enough is enough - he continued. - don't bother to come to work tomorrow.'
'What!? No! You can't!'
'Stop it! - Phil raised his voice. - You should be happy I will not check the camera cuz then I will have to call the police.'
She stayed silent. Threw the last, sadly look at Phil and walked away. Leila showed herself to him. He was surprised he sees her but before he could react she moved closer and threw her arms around his neck.
'I am so sorry' she whispered to his ear. He pushed her back gently and looked at her.
'Me too' he said and she smiled.
'You didn't doubt me' she rasped. Phil raised his eyebrows.
'How could I?' he asked and strocked her cheek. She grabbed his T-shirt and pulled him closer. Her lips found his and she kissed him avidly. When they finished he couldn't help himself and smiled.
'I am really sorry' she said. He wanted to cut her off but she didn't let him.
'Just listen me - she mumbled. - I know I am difficult and being with me is not easy. I just... Don't want to argue. The last thing I said to my parents was that I hate them... It is destroying me... I don't want to the same with you...' her voice broke. She felt tears in her eyes so she closed them. He pulled her into warm hug.
'It won't be - he whispered. - I will never let this happen.'

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