Chapter 2 [The Meeting]

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Tom is sat looking out of the overground window on his way to view meet with the owner of this house in Teddington. He was already running a little late, he could not afford for his next train to be late. He's hoping he doesn't get noticed and that the sunglasses make it slightly less noticeable it is him. 

He sees some teenagers in spiderman t-shirts, and not feeling in the mood for any fan attraction, looks down at his phone. His lock screen being a photo of Tessa in the river last summer. He smiles at the terrier. He has three texts from Haz and a text from his mother. 

Haz: Tom where the hell are you?

Haz: It's our pub night!!!!!

Haz: come on 

He rolls his eyes at the texts from his best friend, how many times does he have to tell him that he is going somewhere. He quickly texts him back, with a short response about how he is out. And then checks the text from his mother. 

Mum: Good look with that house viewing, I am sure the woman will be lovely.

Tom replies to her with a message about how he is also sure she will be very nice. He didn't know why he was nervous, he just was, there was a pit in the bottom of his stomach that was annoying him. He was not one to get nervous, being an actor he had learned to not let nerves get the better of him. 

He heard his stop announced and disembarked the train, heading for platform three to catch the next train to Teddington. 

.⃝    .⃝    .⃝

Aimee was sitting at her dining room table waiting for the arrival of the viewer of her upstairs room. She couldn't stop thinking about what could go wrong with this meeting. What if he wasn't nice? What if he turned out to be really nasty? 

Aimee picks up her empty Pizza boxes and heads for the bins outside her house. She places them in the bin and heads back indoors.

"Aimee right?" She stops when she hears a gentle London accent behind her.

"That would be me." She turns around to see a fluffy dark haired man with his hand out Aimee takes his hand and shakes it. "Erm my house is probably not going to be the most clean, I'm sorry." 

"No, that's fine. I like a house thats well lived in and a little messy." Tom chuckles as Aimee takes him into the hallway. She looks in the mirror next to the door and flattens down her top. Boy do you look like a bit of a mess yourself Aimee, she thinks. Tom is too busy to look at Aimee's looks as he is looking into the kitchen and dining area of her house. 

"Yeah, so thats the kitchen area. Do you want me to take you up to the bedroom where you will be staying and then we can come back into here for a chat about it all?" Aimee nervously pushes up her glasses. Her hair was tied back in a messy bun and she was wearing a band tee and some mom jeans, her usual after school look. 

"Sure thing." He says in his soft London drawl, that Aimee can't help but like. They make their way up the stairs and into the bedroom. 

"Okay so this is the bedroom that you will be sleeping in. There is a bathroom opposite and all other rooms will be yours too, we will practically share the house. Erm I hope that is okay." Aimee says as Tom looks around the room and out of the large second floor window. As there is silence Amy starts speaking again, "I know you probably are looking for something a little better but-"

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