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>>>>at talicas house

august-*laughs*....talica...i missed you

talica-....i know...i missed you too...but i miss ameria more....

august-*puts his head down*.....i understand

talica- so hows my baby doing anyway

august-shes fine...

talica-can i c her...

august-....sure *gets up and gets his keys* lets go

>>>at august house

alexis- awwe look at my baby


august-*opens the door*

ameria-.....daddy...whos that

talica-hey ameria dont remeber your mom

ameria-.....havent seen her in a long time....

talica- its ok...

alexis- hun go play wit your toys

ameria- ok *runs to her room*

talica-*whispers* whos that

august- this is alexis my-

alexis- soon to be wife

talica-.....*looks at aug*....thats a nice rin-

august-its just a promise ring

alexis-*folds her arms*

talica- well nice meeting u...but i have to go...i have a very um...important thing to do....nice seeing u aug *leaves*

alexis- dont ever bring her here u think this is....

august- alexis thats the mother of my chi-

alexis- how if she never been here for her when she needed clothes...or took her to her dance practice...i been your fiance

august-alexis ita a fucking promise ring...but fine im going to tell my daughter goodnight *goes upstairs*

august-.....i cant bruh...

>>im ameria room

alexis- listen to me that was not your mom your mom ok

ameria-silently crying* okay...

alexis-...*signs* im sorry...its just...i...*leaves*

>>>ameria pov

she always does this...always let her anger out on me....i hate it when she does hurts..she hits me and throws things at me when daddy not home....then act all giggly with me...i wish my mommy never left me...i have to go find her

>>>thre hours later

ameria starts to pack up some clothes and a teddy bear and sneaka out the house...luckly august was high and was sound asleep..she is now walking in the rain...

>>>talica pov

talica-*dancing to music

jonathan-*knocks on the door*

talica-WHO IS IT


>>>talica pov

why he here...OH SHIT


>>30 minutes later

this silly love ( a august alsina love story)Where stories live. Discover now