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>>>8 months later(talica)

well, its me and shanaye baby shower today...idk why we didnt do it earlier...but anyway it is now sep. 3 and we celebrating august birthday too so lets just say its gonna be alot of people here.

shanaye- damn talica u big

talica- u the same size as me fuck you mean

shanaye-*starts crying* how could you say that *runs*

talica- man i cant wait til-*baby kicks*

august-you ok baby *holds her*

talica- yeah im fine its just a kick...when is everyone gonna be here

august- well kirko,trey, drake, jay,kevin, piles, kid, tyga, and usher are comin at three but idk when yall friends comin...oh and my moms coming too with travis

talica- who travis

august- my other brother...its three of us but the other one is in geogia with his wife and son

talica- oh...well i guess im meeting yo fam and u meeting mine


*door knocks*

shanaye-i got it *opens the door* AHHHHH



ciara- omg you soo big

alisha- yaaaas

maddi- where talica

briana- yaaas cause i bet she as big as you

jazmin-giiirl let me see her

ashanti-*runs in the living room* TALICA

talica-ASHANTI *hugs her*

ashanti- i missed you boo...who dis

talica-thats august

ashanti- so you the boy who keep hurting my lil cuzin

august-*hands up* aye aye i changed now cuh

ashanti- you better

shanaye- aye talica when yo ma and lil seria gonna be here

talica- soon

shanaye- ok

>>>three hours later(no one pov)

everyone is now her and they all are siting in the living room,kitchen, backyard or on the portch and they are having a good time all the girls are on one side in the living room and the boys on the other...and all the kids are in the backyard with the extra people.

trey- so what yall wanna do

talica- idk


everyone- really

shanaye- what its my baby shower

talica- AND ME

shanaye- oh yeah and talica


kelly-*laughs* ok lets do this ima go get the bottle *leaves*

>>>trey pov

damn...who is that....she is sexy asb and her smile makes me want to smile...i gotta get her

trey- ima go get me some food *goes to the kitchen

kelly-*turns around* Oh...sorry u scared me

trey- my bad...whats your name

this silly love ( a august alsina love story)Where stories live. Discover now