Not Scared

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You had always loved Cove. He was there whenever you needed it. He truly was your number 1. But even Cove knew that out of everyone he knew, you were the one who admired him most. To be fair, the beach-loving man was your husband. You thought about these things and many other frightful thoughts. You let it all drift away as you went into the kitchen. ''Breakfast is ready.'' Cove's voice rung out.

 You got down the stairs in a big hoodie that looked adorable on you. Cove was in a cheery mood and smiled at you. ''Hey, it's time to eat. I made some eggs for you.'' He always knew how to make you happy, that was something you loved about him. You finished quickly and decided to turn on the TV. There was a citrusy aroma in the air. ''Hey, Cove, I feel like doing something today. It's been a bit boring and since Derek is gone for a bit, I really don't have many people to hang out with.'' You spoke. Cove was thinking for a bit. ''I don't know, actually.'' He answered. You decided to walk up behind him, whispering in his ear. ''I know what I want to do... You.'' He immediately turned. ''AH! I mean, I- we... really?'' You chuckled. ''Yeah, hopefully... in the shower?'' You held your breath, awaiting a response. Cove was a flustered mess. ''I'd love to...'' You were blushing. ''Hehe... now?'' You asked semi-seriously. ''Now.'' You were practically sweating, and so was Cove.

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