Chapter Eight

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I followed the man into the village. I looked around to find very few people were up. The moon lit the whole village showing exactly where to go. I looked behind me and saw two men with their spears close to their chest. The third man held Atenró:sera and gently pulled him by the reins. I turned back around and looked at the man in front of me. His back was bare which was odd since the wind is freezing tonight. He seemed unnoticed by the cold and continued on. His back muscles were tense as he walked and he held onto the spear beside him tighter every time we took a step further inside the village. He led me to a home and I found myself straightening myself up knowing that the chief of the tribe was in there. The man in front of me held out his hand and I stopped at my tracks as he turned around to look at me. He then turned around and disappeared through the entrance of the home. I stood out here looking like a prisoner and felt uncomfortable at the thought. I felt myself tense and my hands began to curl themselves into fists. The two men behind me put out their spears even more when we were left alone. I heard Atenró:sera snort and I quickly turned around to see what the man was doing to my horse. I shook it off after I saw that Atenró:sera was just fussing. I shook my head at the animal and turned to see the man came back out with another. The taller older man had on a headdress with lots of colored feathers. He wore leggings and moccasins. His poncho covered his chest since it was night out and cold. The man came up to me and examined me. "What are you called?" I swallowed hard. I didn't know what to say. I was lost in my head. I had to act now. "Connor." I said. "Connor Kenway." The Chief eyed me. "What a strange name for a man like you." The Chief nodded at the men behind me and they started to leave. The third one was taking my horse with him. I looked back at the Chief. "My horse-"

"Will be in good care." He said interrupting me.

"I cannot stay." I said quickly. I knew already that he wanted me to stay but I couldn't. The Chief dismissed the man that brought me here. He nod his head at The Chief and then looked at me before he left without another word. "Please. Come." The Chief said.

"I cannot stay." I echoed myself. The Chief took a deep breath, "You can't or you won't?"

I shook my head, "I mean no disrespect but-"

"Than there won't be any problem, yes?" I closed my eyes soon getting frustrated. "Please," The Chief finally said, "It's the least I could do." I nodded my head as The Chief led me away from his home. "I thank you." He said. "For bringing my daughter back safely."

"There's no need to thank me." I stated.

"And why not?" The Chief stopped in front of me almost causing me to bump into him. "You have brought her back home to her people. You have wrapped her in trying to help her. You have taken time from your life to care for a stranger. And for that I thank you." I didn't know what to say. I must have forgotten how to speak since I didn't say a word. The Chief smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. "I want you stay. For there will be a big feast upon my daughters return. I want you to attend as a guest." I shook my head. I couldn't. But the Chief shook his head in return. "Please." I slowly but hesitantly agreed to stay. He smiled and called for a woman to lead me to a guest home.
I honestly don't know why I came back. Maybe it was because of Atenró:sera being a stubborn animal. Maybe it was because I wanted to come. Whatever it was, I now know that it was a mistake coming here. I know I will have memories of my old life. Memories of everyone that I loved. Memories of my mother. I felt something gently push me on my back. I realized that I was just standing out the guest home just staring at it. I turned around and saw Atenró:sera looked at me. I sighed and rubbed his neck. He laid his head against my chest I sighed, "What are we doing, Atenró:sera?"

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