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You sat at the kitchen bar, math homework staring up at you. You were never one for numbers, your area of expertise was writing and reading. You often found yourself getting lost in stories, horrors or romances that weren't your own. You'd spend hours on end in the library, digging your nose in every book you could.

It bothered Tony more than anything. He figured being a princess of Asgard you'd be able to open up, make friends quickly, but he was very wrong.

Thor had left you with Stark and the other Avengers for a while, forcing you to live at the compound for a reasonable amount of time. He didn't deem Asgard safe for someone so young, and truly he didn't know whether or not it was best for you.

There was a soft buzz that pulled you out of your trance, numbers fading away as you turned all of your attention to the device that laid next to you. A cell phone. As stupid as it sounded, you didn't really know what it was. In fact, you only had one contact, Stark.

Asgard was very advanced, maybe even more than Earth, but the one thing that wasn't too common was electronics. You were still trying to figure out what wifi was. In Asgard, your life was centered around family, patriotism, education, and work. There wasn't any time to watch TV, or mindlessly scroll through instagram until it felt like your thumb was going to fall off. Which is probably why you got so confused the first time you saw the blank, black sheet of glass hanging in the compound living room.

"Turn it on." Tony urged with a playful smile on his face.

"What?" You asked, eyebrows knitting together as a confused expression splattered across your features. Nerves started to settle in when Tony stopped talking, you'd only known him for two hours but you already knew it must be very uncommon for him.

"Kid," He started, slightly concerned look on his face. "Do you not have television on Asgard?"

There was a small silence between you two as you debated whether to tell him the embarrassing truth, or lie straight through your teeth.

"...What's a television?" You decided against lying, the first thing you needed was to get the same rep as your (adopted) brother, or worse, make the wrong impression.

You looked down, the bright white screensaver blinding you in the dimmed room despite the twenty windows that seemed to cover the exterior. 'Stark to Group Asshats: Meeting in 10, I have a surprise for the team.'

If you were being honest, you didn't know whether this applied to you or not. You assumed since it was sent to a group chat you were included in, but then again you didn't know if you were considered an Avenger just yet. You had only trained with the Avengers a few times, easing into it, Tony told you. He wanted you to be a part of the team, you had powers he thought could be incredibly useful, and you were quite bright when it came to planning and quick thinking.

"Do you always bask in darkness or is this just a new to earth type ordeal?" You could practically smell the gossip radiating off of the man with the metal arm as he walked into the room. Even though he was a hundred years old, he was pretty fun to be around. Sure you were only 15, but you liked hearing his stories about war, or growing up with Steve.

Buck took you under his wing pretty quickly, which was unsurprisingly a shock to everyone else. Barnes wasn't one to usually socialize with others in the compound, especially not a new kid who could barley get herself through 4th period geometry.

"I find it calming—" you began but were quickly interrupted as a bright light illuminated the room for the first time in two hours.

You heard a soft chuckle escape his lips as he watched your face distort, attention turning away from the coffee pot he was focused on merely seconds ago. It was often that Sam got onto him about drinking so much caffeine in the evening, but he could care less, even if it kept him up until 2 in the morning.

"There's a new act joining the circus apparently." he gossiped, leaning against the counter holding a mug that read 'Keep calm & diva on' in bold pi-dazzled font. It was one of Natasha's mugs, and frankly you thought it was hilarious seeing him drink from the hot pink porcelain. "I heard he's quite young, might even be your age."

"Oh really? Who told you that?" you questioned, drowning out the horrendous scrape as you pushed in your stool. You began piling your things back into your backpack, your geometry work going unfinished, you knew F.R.I.D.A.Y. would give you the answers if you asked nicely enough.

"Sam." He admitted, shoulder length locks threatening to rest against his forehead.

"Of course."
You sat around the conference table with the other Avengers who actually listened to Tonys message. You didn't blame the ones who didn't show, sometimes Stark would call everyone together for the most birdbrained reasons.

"As I'm sure everyone knows, my birthday is this Friday." Tony stood with a pointer in hand, twirling it in his fingers. There was an image of a birthday cake and a few very badly pasted images across the projector. Wasn't he supposed to be a tech genius?

"I expect a gift from all of you, except the kid of course because she has no money and I think Thor would rip off my head." A baby pink rose to your cheeks at that last part, embarrassment settling at your cheekbones.

"Now why would we do that?" Asked Sam from across the room. His muscles were bulging through his red shirt and you weren't going to lie, he looked good, and he also had a point.

"Because, I get the bill for those fancy wings you wear Big Bird." Tony retorted. Sams lips went straight and Bucky struggled back a laugh.

You were pulled out of your reminiscing by Tony exiting the room. You'd heard some of what he said, picking up bits and pieces. Something about an uprising hero, and a young genius.

You knitted your brows together when he walked back in almost immediately after, someone following behind him in a ridiculous red and blue costume. If it could be considered that, you were almost sure it was made out of pajamas. Except the big goggles that laid on the red makeshift mask, of course.

"The suit's in progress," Tony said reassuringly, noticing the comical looks that fell on all their faces.

there was a wave of silence as the boy stood next to the man of metal, Sam and Bucky exchanged looks and Scott shot you a confused glance from across the table. You shrugged, you didn't know who was under the absurd costume but they must've been young, no sane adult would be seen in that.

The masked mystery stood nervously, hands behind back and rocking back and forth on his feet. His stance was so polite that if it wasn't for the absurd costume, you could almost imagine him in church clothes.

You assumed it was a boy, he had more of a masculine shape to him, but when you heard the voice your mind completely lost that thought and familiarity bubbled in your chest.

"H-Hi," the boy said as he skittishly removed the mask. "I'm Peter, P-Peter Parker".

"Peter Parker?" To say your jaw hit the floor was an understatement, it was all the way in hell.

His tried to find where the voice came from and it was almost amusing how his eyes widened when he finally saw you.

"Uh— Y/N— hi!" He uttered nervously. "I uh, didn't expect to see you here."

There were obscure glances being shot between the two of you, the meeting was starting to finally get good.

"You two know eachother?" Steve questioned, you didn't talk to him too much, but you knew that look. He was intrigued.

"Yeah, he's my lab partner."

The conference room was left with only Tony, Peter, and you. You weren't paying too much attention to what Stark was saying but you got the jest of it all.

"Consider yourself a tour guide," He suggested, glasses slightly sliding down his nose. "Plus, it could be good for you. Maybe you two could hit it off, become friends, you don't have a lot of those yet."

You felt your cheeks go hot, embarrassment rising in your chest. You knew Tony only meant the best but his comment was still humiliating. You knew you didn't have many friends and you were okay with it, but you'd rather not have it pointed out, especially in front of a boy from school.

Even though it was about 5 in the afternoon, you didn't need special powers to sense the day was about to get a lot longer.

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