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"So, Spider-Man huh?" You were the one to break the silence between the two of you, other than the soft padding of your Converse as you walked down the hallway.

"Uh, yeah, I guess." He shrugged, he'd taken off that ridiculous suit, replaced with a t-shirt and soft grey sweatpants.

Even though you had telepathic abilities, you didn't need them to see that he was nervous. He kept fidgeting with his draw strings or fumbling with his fingers. Not to mention the way his eyes frantically scanned his surroundings.

"It makes sense," you state truthfully, receiving a disquieted look from the boy next to you. "I mean, you being Spider-Man. It explains the sneaking around during chemistry labs, or the fact you can pick up a locker."

"You saw that?" He asked, his tone laced with surprise.

"Mhm, I see everything." You joke, only in exchange for a pair of wide eyes and an anxious expression. You quickly realized that perhaps it was too early for that.

"I don't actually see everything, Peter." You reassure him, panic blooming in your chest. You were going to have to live with him, the last thing you wanted to do was make him uncomfortable. You allowed yourself to breathe when you heard a sigh of relief escape his lips.

"In all honesty I was just on my way to the bathroom the night of homecoming." You admit.

"You went to homecoming?" he asked in shock, eyebrows inching together as he looks at you.

"Yeah, Thor made me go." You messed with the dark green bracelet on your wrist as you spoke. "I hid in the bathroom the entire time."

"It will be great! You can meet new people, maybe make some new friends." Thor suggested, hands on your shoulders leaning back to get a better look at you.

"Brother, I don't know anyone, i'll just end up embarrassing myself in the process." You argue. Your hair was slightly messy, but it suited you. Loki attempted to braid it, Natasha said she could, but shockingly enough he insisted.

"Brother," started the dark haired man from the other end of the room "don't make her go if she doesn't want to."

Loki was your favorite person, you were closest to him. Your mother and father didn't give you much attention growing up, same as Loki. You both lived your lives in Thors shadow, and sometimes you were okay with that.

Loki was only 4 years older than you in human years, nineteen to be exact, Whereas Thor was thirty. It was a lot easier to get along with Loki, not only because of age but you were both more reserved, to yourselves.

"I went but then I had... Spider-Man business." Peter said with a haunted look in his eyes, which was gone just as quickly as it came.

"So what about you? I thought you moved here from Wisconsin." He asked, you felt a slight guilt bubble in your chest knowing you lied to him. At school you had a completely different identity to maintain, of course you had the same first name, but not the same last. Could you imagine having someone in your class with the last name 'Odinsdottir'.

"I'm uh, I'm from Asgard," you began, his eyes widened and you took a nervous pause, not knowing whether it was in a good or bad way. "yeah, my last name is uh, Odinsdottir, I'm Thor and Lokis younger sister."

"...Wow," he spoke, for a moment you thought he saw you as a freak, but it was far from the truth. He was in awe.

"So, you're like a goddess right?" He asked eagerly, although it was more of a statement than a question.

"Elements," you smiled "I control the elements. I have quite a few other abilities though. I'm stronger than most other high beings. I have mutations that aren't normal for a goddess, especially not one of my age."

"Shouldn't you be on Asgard then? You know helping protect your people and run the realm." The boy was radiating with fascination. The gel in his hair had loosened and two small curls had slipped down into his face.

"I can't," you admitted, making eye contact with the shiny black floors below "It's not safe for me there, there was an incident not too long ago. Thor thought it would be safer for me on earth, and maybe even be a good edition to the Avengers once the current events have passed."

"Oh, I'm sorry." he said apologetically.

Before you could say another word you stopped in front of a door with the name tag 'Parker' on it.

"I believe this is your room. you smiled softly. "If you need any help getting around I'm just a few doors down across the hall."

"Thank you, I really appreciate all of your help." he took a small pause, obviously debating something "Um, do you all have dinner here?"

"We do," you scrunched your nose a little bit, remembering the taste of last nights chicken "But I'm warning you, 'seasoning' is not in Rogers vocabulary."
You laid in bed despite it being one in the morning, your room was filled with light. This could've been due to the window wall that lined every bedroom in the compound, or the small spark that left your fingers glowing blue and yellow.

You knew peter was awake too, as well as Bucky. Although, they were up for different reasons. Bucky was up because he had too much energy, but then again drinking coffee at six in the afternoon will do that to you. Peter was up out of nerves, you didn't try to intrude on his emotions but you almost couldn't help it.
You had the same dream every night, an endless void of darkness. This one was different though, there was a voice that filled the never ending space.

"Y/n," a soft whisper echoed through the black abyss. You figured it was nothing, you were simply dreaming and the day you previously had was very eventful. It was probably just exhaustion, that's all.

"Y/n" You were interrupted once again, the voice sounded very familiar, too familiar.

Your eyes opened quickly, meeting Peters which quickly widened when he saw you stir awake. You didn't have to say anything, your confused, tired expression spoke for you.

"Uhm," he started, obviously nervous. It looked like he hadn't slept for ages. "I'm really sorry to wake you, I just, I need to know where the bathroom is."

You stumbled slightly as you walked down the hall, occasionally grabbing Peters arm when you'd trip over your pajama pants. Your sloppy posture paired perfectly with your mismatch pjs and out of place ponytail. The boy next to you though, was the complete opposite. He walked with his hands behind his back and shoulders high. He had on plaid pajama pants and a t-shirt that said some cheesy quote about telekinesis.

"Here it is." you say sleepily, you definitely were going to be too tired to remember this in the morning. "I'll wait so I can show you back to your room."

Peter thanked you and as soon as you heard the click of the lock you began debating whether you should sit down or not. Though it didn't take long to give into your exhaustion and perch yourself against the hard, grey wall. You could hear Peter moving in the room next to you and if it weren't for your half asleep state you'd be able to hear everyone's thoughts in the compound.

It was a mere fifteen seconds for your eyes to fight against you, threatening to close. The last thing you remember is hearing the bathroom sink turn on and the chill of the empty hallway.

"Wake up kiddo, I have an entire day planned!" Tony entered your room proudly, interrupting your sleep.

"Tones, taking me to school is not a plan it's a requirement." you stated, rolling to stretch in your bed.

"Well, then I guess it's a good thing you're not going to school today."

"What?" you were confused. Thor would never let you skip school.

"Mhm, Parker and you, shopping day. I have a list of things that need to be bought and you two need to bond." he explained, he was annoying.

"Don' t you have people for that?"

"Yeah, You"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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