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GAIA (Gaea) was a goddess who ruled over the world. She was one of the first elemental deities (protogenoi) to be born at the beginning of time. The celestial gods descended from Gaia through her union with Ouranos (Uranus) (Sky), the sea gods from her union with Pontos (Sea), the Gigantes (Giants) from her mating with Tartaros (the Pit), and mortal animals descended directly from her earthy flesh. The heavenly gods' primary adversary was Gaia. She first revolted against Ouranos (Sky), her husband, who had imprisoned some of her giant-sons within her womb. She later allied with Zeus in his revolt after her son Kronos (Cronus) defied her by imprisoning these same sons. Finally, she clashed with Zeus, who had outraged her by imprisoning her Titan sons in Tartaros. She attempted to overthrow him by giving birth to a tribe of Gigantes (Giants) and subsequently the monster Typhoeus, but both failed.


If you are guys interested in playing a greek mythology theme online game. I recommend the game "Poptropica"- it is available on different platforms like playstore, Nintendo, IOS, etc. 

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