Y/N pov

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You were surprised when Aizawa didn't make you demonstrate your quirk at the start of class. You were not surprised when a certain angry blond stalked toward you with murder in his eyes the second Aizawa announced the class would be sparring with quirks allowed.

"Give it your best Flower Girl." He taunted, bumping against your shoulder as he walked past to a clear spot for your fight.

You glared after him, spinning on your heel. If your quirk had been fire-related there would've been steam coming from your ears. It wasn't exactly an offensive nickname but something about the way he said it made you want to punch him in the face. He must get that a lot.

You looked around, not missing the way your new classmates not so subtly watched the two of you as they half-heartedly sparred against their own partners. Honestly, you were at a major disadvantage here. The training ground was entirely made of concrete, you couldn't even feel any remnants of dirt down below all the layers that must have been added and rebuilt over the years. Sure, you had your trusty pack of seeds tucked into your costume but your quirk was stronger when you had access to nature. Plus, you didn't actually know anything about this guy's quirk or fighting style. Of course, he didn't know much about yours either but still.

You knew you were good, but you tended to work more at a range or undercover. You could throw a punch but couldn't really take many. You scanned the area again, trying to come up with a plan that at least didn't make you look like a total fool even if you lost.

"Whenever you're ready." A gruff voice broke through your thoughts. You looked up to find an impatient Bakugou glaring at you from a few paces away.

Okay, you took a deep breath, let's go.

As fast as you could, which was pretty damn fast if you do say so yourself, you threw a handful of seeds toward him and then made a line in front of yourself. You threw up your hand, causing the seeds in front of you to grow into thick beanstalk vines immediately. Sure this maneuver would restrict your visibility a little but it would also keep you protected so you could fight with some cover in the otherwise barren training ground.

The second your wall of plants was up, Bakuguo was moving and damn was he fast.

You flicked your wrist and watched from between the vines as your seeds burst, creating thick thorned vines, a few bloomed roses decorating them. You sent two shooting after him from behind. One managed to wrap around his leg, but he was able to keep his arms free.

He created a mini-explosion in his hand blasting away the vine wrapped around his leg without any hesitation. Your move hadn't even slowed him down.

Shit. So he makes things explode. Add that to your list of disadvantages. It does fit his personality though.

Then he was in the air, flying around like he god damned owned the space. That had to change, or he was going to have no trouble getting over your barricade. Your hands moved like you were conducting an orchestra as you sent vine after vine for him not stopping or slowing even when you started to feel yourself giving over a little bit more energy than you would've liked to have had to.

His reflexes were incredibly impressive as well. You had to commend him as he successfully avoided your grabbing vines over and over. When one finally made contact, you could have whooped in excitement if you weren't focusing so intently on making the grab count.

You couldn't help but wince for the poor guy as your thorny rose vine wrapped tight around his forearm, yanking him toward the ground, slowing him down enough that you were able to get two more vines wrapped around his legs.

It didn't really surprise you when he maneuvered his free hand away so you couldn't grab it as well and take the win. With a few well-timed blasts, he was racing back toward you. I have to keep him away.

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