emotional maturity? in this house? less likely than you think.

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It took two excessively large explosions for Katuski to even begin to calm down and get any sort of handle on his raging emotions.

It took many more blasts of varying sizes and a flurry of hits to a punching bag for him to realize he might've fucked up.

No matter how many explosions, blasts, hits, or attacks he couldn't get the words thrown between you two to stop replaying in his head.

He grabbed at the punching bag before it could swing back and hit him, resting his sweaty forehead against it as the earlier exhaustion started to creep over him.

"Fuck!" he yelled again, hitting the bag harder, adding a blast to it for good measure, sending it flying wildly.

Obviously, something had happened to you. You'd been going through a lot already, and then something else happened, and he just let his stupid mouth get ahead of himself. Why had you even said all that shit? It had stung more than Katsuki would ever admit. He had no idea what he was supposed to do now. Apologize? Give you space? Tell you to fucking get over yourself and tell him what happened?

The janitor coming into the room meant, at the very least, he had to head back to the dorms now. He hadn't even realized how long he had been in there.

A new coffee table had already been brought in to replace the one that had been destroyed. A tarp covered the smashed back door, and the couch had some tape (possibly from Sero) covering the tears. But Katsuki was certain it, and all other evidence of whatever the fuck had gone down, would be replaced or fixed tomorrow. U.A was good at some things.

A few of his classmates were still in the common area, but Katsuki ignored them and headed straight for his room. No one tried to stop him, but he felt eyes follow him. His finger hovered over the button for your floor in the elevator, but he thought better of it. Tomorrow, he promised himself, he'd figure it out tomorrow.

Day 1

He wasn't surprised when you didn't come down and meet him that morning as had become routine. But Katsuki couldn't deny the pang of hurt he felt at your absence after he automatically made his way over to the couch and waited before he realized.

He had really fucked up.

Again, he thought about just going right then and there to your room to deal with this shit. But, if you were asleep, waking you up so early would definitely not be the best way to start an apology.

Fuck, and he had to figure out what he would even say. Katsuki could count on one hand the times he'd given an apology. And, there was also the chance you would want nothing to do with him after all that anyway. Or maybe he was supposed to just give you space? Would you even give him the time of day to say any shit to you? Or do anything to show you he didn't mean the words he'd shouted in retaliation, that he was sorry, if he couldn't get the words out?

His friends bombarded him the second they saw him in the common room. It was rare for all of them to be up so early. Mina stomped over, looking as angry as Katsuki had ever seen her.

"You!" She pointed an accusing finger at him. "Need to apologize, mister!"

Well, that answered that question. Still, Katsuki's initial response was the same as it always was, defensive offense. He bristled, glaring back at her. "Me? Why the fuck do I-"

Kirishima put a hand on Katsuki's arm, the gesture drawing his attention just enough to take in the mix of disappointed, frustrated, and downright annoyed, looks he was getting. Jirou shook her head at him, Mina had a hand on her hip, Kaminari was frowning arms akimbo, and Sero was shaking his head, arms crossed. Katsuki deflated.

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