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This is like a background so you can understand the character before we get deep into the story, thank you xoxo

Every day, Every Night
THUMP THUMP, THUMP THUMP. Was the only thing I could hear, it was like my heart was in my head and it was definetly in control. My body felt warm and  my stomach filled with butterflies. My smile unable to go away.

I was unable to sleep for the majority of the night, I couldn't, I didn't want to. I was just excited to see her, I checked my clock every minute desperatly wishing it would magically switch to 7:45am but instead it was current 1:23 and I was on the urge of going wild.

All I could think about was her, the way she smiled the way she made me feel the way she was there for me whenever I needed her or when I said I didn't need help she still did. The way her hair was always perfectly straight and her skin constantly glowing. Her touch felt like fire creating comfort that I didn't want to leave. She's my best friend and has been for around 2 and a half years. At first it took me a while to open up to her, It wasn't easy for me but eventually I did and it felt good to not have everything all boiled up.

I struggled a lot with my familys relationship, my parents constantly arguing and my mom threatning to leave. My dad would be empelite and my mom would get angry and I was a easy target to get mad about it and of course being a kid I was sensitive. I remeber crying and crying while I held onto my dog who was my only friend.

I was homeschooled to grade 5 and then I switched to private school, it was inconvient for my mom to teach me since shes constantly trying to get away from my dad. That was when I met her... Vivian.
Her family was the perfect type of family, her parents loved each other you could tell, she has a younger sister and a older brother making her the middle child. 

We were now in grade 7 and I was actually quite enjoying the school year, It was Vivian and I and we were the endgame. We shared almost all our classes expect I had woodwork while she had drama.

Vivian had felt she was now interested in boys and experiancing stuff cause "everyone else was". Personlly the whole boys didn't interest me, their were all mostly rude especially for Aries. Boy did he make me blood boil, it also just so happened to be that Viv was interested in his younger brother in our grade, Aries was a year older and he definetly believes he's top.

Going to a private school and all, the school didn't take much crap. Aries would test my buttons with the alwyas good front but boy was he two faced. Viv didn't mind him but she did know for my deep hate for that boy but atleast his brother is alright but it made me insecure knowing if things were to happen between her and Cori that would mean arie was gonna be around. It scared me that what if Aries says something that's not true about me or he ruins our relationship. What if Cori takes all her attention and time, she's my bestfriend...

That was 6 and a half years ago.. (This gets a bit deep and if you feel uncomfortable about murder etc then just briefly skip through it)

My bestfriend was no longer here, what I mean by that is that in July 2nd 2016 she went missing. We searched for weeks and weeks, search parties, missing posters, phone calls everything. I didnt know if my bestfriend was okay, I didn't know if she was hurt, was she scared? I cried for weeks I felt sick knowing I couldn't help.

Finally after weeks, she was found. When I heard that it felt like a big wrecking ball was lifted from laying on me finally being able to breath for a fucking second. Until I was told that she was aducted by a unknown 5'10 male who looks around 30 who she met online through social media pretending to be around our age.  He had cut her and..
I just can't even think about it, she was the purest soul and I wish I could've saved her or that it happened to me not her. She never deserved anything like that no one does expect for the fucking person who did that to her along with some other dickwads but just not her.

We had her funeral and I remeber everything that happened, her favourite type of flowers, lilies all over the place, her white coffin, the dirt that we burried her under. Her mom breaking down giving a speech about her dead daughter. I was asked if Id give a speech for her, I remember nights before jotting down everything I wanted to say on a piece of paper and not being able to speak a single sentence without everything within me spilling out.

Her family ended up moving a few months later, they couldn't bare staying here knowing that their 13 year old daughter was murdered.

Everynight was toture, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't close my eyes, I couldnt eat let alone barely drink. I had developed a eating disorder along with a lot of other things. My mom began staying home more but that only lasted a little while. My parents ended up getting a divorce, I felt immune though, I was already so numb as well since I was 5 it felt like my parents were already divorced but now it was just offical.

Nothing in my life was going right for me, It feels like the whole world is agaisnt me.
I ended up leaving my school and joining a online school, I could barely leave the house am I supposed to go to school. The only time I would leave was every saturday to go to see Viv. Why saturday well that was the day she went missing.

There is not a single day I don't think about her.
I really need to get off my ass and live life for not only me but her.
For Viv.

Sorry it got dark but I wanted to include that so you can understand Daisy more and why she is the way she is.
It will for sure get better more into the story but bare with me, I have so many ideas for "For Viv".
Daisy's gonna make the most of it for viv;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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