Late and surprise my mum

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"Thank you for dropping me off if I was late again you know what will what he will do to me".

"Yeah I know I am sorry that I can't do anything about it and it breaks my heart that he does that to you".

"Hey it is not your fault it is my dad fault".

"You know it is not his fault".

"Well how can I know".

"I do not know if you want to do this but maybe we can look him up do you think that is a good idea".

"Do I think it is a good idea no I do not and I think that we should not do it and how do you know what you find is going to be true".

"Yeah true".

"Bye I have to go in before he comes home sorry".

"No that is ok bye see you". Oh my best friend if you will not look him up then I will if you like it or not".

"Mum I am home".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Oh hey baby how was the movies".

"It was good I had the best time".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Ok good do you want something to eat".

"Yes please I need food but you do not have to cook for me".

Mum aka Lilly:
"You know that I miss cooking for you baby".

"Yeah I know mum and I am sorry but everything just change since you got married to that husband of you name Roy and that you mean dad go away".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Yeah I know that but this is how it is now Elaine".

"Yeah I know that mum I just". I just watch her cook and act like I am not mad but I am really mad what happened if he does something really bad to me that I end up in the hospital but no she does not think about that at all. All she think about is would me and Roy would get along and the answer to that question is no and I do not want to get along with him at all and I know he does not want to get along with me and that how I like it but I know that my mum keep on telling me on day we will have to do it but I do not know if he do it I know that I will never get along with him if it is the last thing I do, if you are wondering why do I not want to spend time with my step dad you will find out why but not right now".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Here you go I hope you like it".

"Thank you mum it is so good".

Mum aka Lilly:
"So guess what I find out today".

I said this with food still in my mouth. "what did you find out mum".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Baby you know we do not talk with food still in our mouth".

"Sorry mum now what did you find out".

Mum aka Lilly:
"That people try to spend some time with their step parents".

"Oh and mum do you know that hate to spend some time with their step parents like me and that husband of yours".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Oh I thought that this will work".

"This that why you made me food thinking that this is going to work out well I am sorry mum but that is how we are we just don't get along and you have to deal with it well sorry but that is how it going to be now if you excuse me but I have some work to do love you mum".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Love you too baby". I need to find out how to make them spend time with each other like together I do not what to do yet but I will".

I hour later

"Hey honey I am home".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Hello husband of mine who was work".

"It was good but it would have been better if you were with me".

Mum aka Lilly:
"You know that I do not want work with you and plus I already have a job remember".

"No but I can ask you again".

Mum aka Lilly:
"You know that I will not even if you ask me again and I will still say no".

"Yeah I know so what is for dinner".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Your favourite".

"Oh good now where is that daughter of yours".

Mum aka Lilly:
"You know that her name is Elaine".

"Wait that is her name is Elaine and no I did not know that".

Mum aka Lilly:

"Fine you win this time".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Good and I known that I was going to win today".

"No you did not".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Yes I did".

"Really did you".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Fine I didn't know".

"See I known it anyways where is she and did she eat without us".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Yes she did eat I made her food".

"Ok why did you do that for".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Because I wanted to and why not she is my daughter".

"Ok whatever you say".

Mum aka Lilly:
"So what do you think of spending time with Vanessa".

"Oh nice try and you know that we talk about this and the answer is still no".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Yes I know that we talk about it before but come on please for me".

"Sorry love but no".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Fine but I am mad at you".

"Oh I know that you are".

"Hey mum".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Hey baby".



Mum aka Lilly:
"So are you done with your work baby".

"Yes I did and guess what".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Ok I do not know baby what is it".

"Roy would you like to guess".

"No I would not like to guess".

"Fine I do not know why I give you a try to be nice to you but thanks for guessing mum".

Mum aka Lilly:
"Anytime baby now tell us what is it".

"Well mum I book you and Roy over here to go and see your family on the weakness mum you have not see your family in a long time so that is where you are going sorry but I could only book it for the weekend".

Mum aka Lilly:
"No you did not".

"Oh yes I did I hope you like your surprise". My mum started crying when I told her. "Mum why are you crying don't cry I am sorry".

Mum aka Lilly:
"No baby I am not crying these are happy tears thank you so much baby".

"Anytime time mum I love you mum".

Mum aka Lilly:
"And I love you too baby".

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