5: Jack

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Life for Jack Frost was a nightmare. It all started his second week in prison. It was noon, which meant the prisoners were allowed to go outside and enjoy recreation time. Or as Jack liked to call it "Gang Time." Everything had been fine the first week. No one bothered him but he didn't go unnoticed, either. He spent his Gang Time sitting off to the side and minding his own business. Just a normal guy sitting on a normal bench surrounded by criminals. No harm, right? Wrong. Apparently, Jack wasn't doing the "right thing" and so there he found himself being toilet bowled.

He hadn't seen them coming. They ganged up around him on all sides and grabbed him, not giving him any chance to defend himself. He tried calling for help but the guards just laughed and the other inmates We're to scared to do anything. Jack soon realized resisting was useless and allowed his attackers to drag him back inside.

Jack looked up and caught a glimpse of the one who was dragging him away. He was tall and muscular with thick, tattooed arms. His eyes held an intense look that sent chills down Jack's back. Jack looked to the left and took a look at his the two other goons. One was a woman and the other a man. Jack had to look closely but could faintly see resemblance in the two. The man had messy blond hair with light brown eyes almost the color of caramel. The woman had chocolate brown hair and the same eyes but more intense and fierce looking. The man seemed more laid back, if that was possible for a thug, while the woman seemed on alert. She scanned her surroundings often and kept her hand near her pocket, where Jack suspected she kept a makeshift weapon. The siblings, like the man holding Jack, also had tattoos. The man had a sun on his bicep while the woman had a moon.

Jack was about to try resisting again when they stopped moving. The blond guy walked ahead and opened up a door. Jack was soon dragged in and discovered it to be a bathroom. The woman stayed outside and Jack suspected it wasn't because she was a lady and this was the men's room.

The muscly guy threw Jack onto the ground and stood over him menacingly. "Name," he snapped. His voice was deep and held authority. Jack considered answering but decided not to.

"No," he muttered, not really intending for the scary guy to hear him but evidently he did. The man picked up Jack by his collar and slammed him against the concrete wall. "Oof!" Jack exclaimed as pain shot up his back.

"Name!" The man demanded, more roughly this time.

"Jackson Frost!" Jack cried and closed his eyes, expecting another blow. He was surprised when the man let him go and he fell to the floor. He quickly scrambled to his feet and faced the man. Jack finally got a good look at him and wasn't sure if he really wanted to experience this. The man's face was scarred and held evidence of fighting. He had a black eye and his nose was crooked as if it had been broken before. He had a light stubble on his face and his black hair was crew cut style. His eyes were even more intense then he realized and seemed to blaze with the rage he undoubtedly had inside. Jack gulped and took a step back as the man began to speak.

"What are you in for?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the teenager.

"I-I..." Jack couldn't find his voice. The gaze of this giant was one that could send Satan himself crying to his mommy.

"Well?" He demanded and Jack flinched, but no blow came.

"Uh, well I, uh..." again, Jack couldn't seem to form words. He was so struck with fear the only words he could formulate were I, uh, and help.

"Back off, Ares," the blond guy said. He couldn't have been older then 25 yet he held some sort of power over the burly man, Ares. He put a hand on the big guys shoulder and pulled him back. Jack was pur somewhat at ease when the man smiled a Colgate white smile at him.

"Sorry if my friend scared you, he's not the best with people skills. We don't mean any harm, we just want to get to know you, see what you have to offer to the table. All you have to do is answer a few simple questions and you'll be guaranteed safety from the real scary guys," he said as he pat his hand on Jacks shoulder. Although he was smiling, there was still an edge to him, a shadow that seemed to loom over him and hood his eyes. Jack couldn't help but be scared if this guy, and it didn't help that Ares was right behind him as if ready to pounce when given the word. Think! Jack thought to himself. Just say something, anything!

"That's a really stupid haircut," he Saud and instantly regretted it. Hid eyes widened and his mouth taped open. The smoke was quickly erased off the blond man's face and was replaced with loathing and pure hatred. In honestly, Jack didn't mind his long hair. It was pulled into a ponytail with a few strands hanging over his face. Why, oh why did he say that? It wasn't even true! But that didn't change the fact that he was now, once again, being lifted off the ground by his shirt collar and slammed against the wall. "You got a problem?" The man seethed. Jack gulped and vigorously shook his head. "Ares, I think this guy needs to learn who runs the show here," he said to the burly man. The blond one slammed Jack against the wall for good measure before letting him go and slamming the door open. Jack caught a brief look of him exchanging a few short words with his assumed sister before Ares grabbed a fist full of his hair and dragged him to one of the stalls. Realizing shat was happening, Jack put his hands and feat against the seat if the toilet to stop Ares from pushing him further. "Please! I didn't mean it, I swear! It just slipped out! I actually like his haircut!" He pleaded but Ares just chuckled. Woth his other hand, he pushed away Jack's limbs and forced him to kneel down in front if the toilet. Jack managed to put up his hands to resist. "Please! I'll do anything!" He said and instantly regretted it.

"Anything?" Ares said and let out a low, evil laugh. "Fine, meet us tomorrow by the basketball net during Rec Time. I wouldn't tell anyone if I were you," He added threateningly. Jack dropped his arm to his sighed and let out the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He was expecting Ares to let him go but instead he did the opposite. With one forceful push Ares shoved Jack's head into the toilet and kicked the lever. Jack tried to hold his breath but ended up inhaling water instead. Jack tried to get up but Ares was holding his head down. When the torture was finally over, Jack squirmed back and fell onto all fours, coughing out water from his lungs. Ares just laughed and exited the bathroom. "Don't be late!" He called over his shoulder and left Jack alone in the bathroom gasping for breath.

This was going to be a long 10 years.


Sorry for not updating in a while. Been busy with school :P

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*Free Cake to all*

Forgiving the Unforgivable (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon